Thank you for the quick reply. I will attempt that when I am on a computer that has AppGameKit!
I was wondering if you had any advice for the organization of my data?
I was planning on using google sheets or excel to create the tsv. Would I have to use the ascii 9 value - Chr(9) - to evaluate my different lines?
Also is there a way to select a specific line or do I need to upload the entire tsv from the begging?
Example file:
I love AppGameKit (tab) AGKが大好きです。(tab) AGK.png (tab) AGK.wav
I like blue (tab) 青いが好きです。(tab) blue.png (tab) blue.wav
I like rabbits (tab) ウサギが好きです。(tab) rabbit.png (tab) rabbit.wav
If I want the question about rabbits do I need to read every question before it or is there a way to specify what line from the file I want to read?
For something this short I don't think I would notice a difference in speed but I actually have created a database of questions over the last 8 years that spans over 10,000.
If say I want to load question 9,342 do I need to read over all the previous questions?