I swear once a year I have to ask another dumb question about AppGameKit arrays. And forum search doesn't seem to find anything older than 2019 now.
I'm trying to set the dimension of a 2D array from within a function. When I display the array size it reports the correct length, yet when I try to access an index it tells me the array length is empty.
Type DataTable
x as float
y as float
width as float
height as float
cols as integer
rows as integer
data as String[-1,-1]
mytable as DataTable
mytable = createTable(400,300,3,7)
//mytable.data[1,2] = "asdfasdf"
// print(mytable.data[1,2])
function createTable(width, height, rows, cols)
t as DataTable
t.width = width
t.height = height
t.rows = rows
t.cols = cols
t.data.length = rows
t.data[0].length = cols
for i = 1 to rows-1
for j = 1 to cols-1
//t.data[i,j] = createText("")
next j
next i
endfunction t