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Code Snippets / [AGK] UUID V4 PRNG

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Joined: 18th Aug 2022
Posted: 22nd Nov 2023 18:16
Hello everyone, made this snippet for a multiplayer server system I was developing. It's pretty straight forward, generates a new UUID String according to the v4 spec

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Joined: 18th Aug 2022
Posted: 22nd Nov 2023 18:31
UUID's are a great tool if you need a way to uniquely identify a resource. Let's say for example you have 100 different player defined types in a list, you can give them each a uuid to tell them apart and reference a specific instance. This approach relies entirely on pseudo random number generation and each individual bit is generated with a Random(0,1) call then converted to hex. Notice as well that we assign specific values in the same position everytime. This is because uuid's actually reserve a few bits to indicate what type of uuid it is.

Wanted to post my source for how this was generated:
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2024 20:01
I think I asked you this on discord back in november, but what's the likely hood of generated a duplicate if this were run from multiple systems? Like if I wanted each client to generate an ID and submit that to the server.
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