Let me explain you the simplicity of putting this system in your game. you'll include a .dba file to your project and the start calling up functions.
functionlist for now:
return value = enabled(side,object) `check if collision is enabled on an object on the specified side.
enable_objects(side,startobject,endobject) `enable collision on objects
disable_objects(side,startobject,endobject) `disable collision on objects
return value = inzone(zone_object) `check if youre in a zone
return value = hit_object(side) `check what object is hitting the selected side
FPS_camera_collision() `this is the most important function, it puts the collision on
and that was it, then you'll only need to copy paste a few stuff and your done. ain't that easy?
more to come, like putting collision on an object for racegames
Forgot to tell you guys there is also gravity in it