Playing Time:61.7729988098
Average FPS:107.975975037
(i did play for much longer, but the 1st 3 times i pressed escape instead of q!!!)
it looks amazing! brillaint job with the models reminds me of a snowball fight i had last month when we had snow in the uk
only a couple of points:
o really, really, really needs to be able to run backwards
o the dude seemed to move abit to fast, that made him abit hard to control
o You can jump off the balcony and over the edge
o give the camera some collision, eg. if it hits a wall don't let it go through because otherwise you see inside the model and it isn't very pretty
o When run into a wall, for instance the fence around the balcony, your snowballs go much further thatn if you were standing still
but this should make a great game soon!!
edit- forgot my specs
pentium 4 1.2ghz
25gmb ram
geforce 2 ti