Replacing WILD.ADF did the trick! I was able to complete the install and then run the game no problems. Yay.
Here are the steps incase anyone else has a similar problem
1) Return your disks immediately if the full install (including radio stations on PLAY disc) fails, or, if a game crashes unexpectedly and you installed without radio stations. This means the file(s) are corrupt and an error occured when trying to read them from disk.
Since I didnt immediately return the disks when purchased (because at the time rockstar said that it was a read problem with certain older cdrom drives and I was about to build a new machine, which I ended up not doing) I had to do the following...(steps may differ if your INSTALL disk is bad as opposed to the PLAY disc)
- Download CDCHECK (free) and run CRC against all the files on both disks. Determine which are bad.
- Ask the friendly teh forums people to give you a good copy of the bad files (thanks guys) In my case it was one .adf file on play disc.
- copy all the files from the disk to a folder on your machine, not including the bad file(s).
- take the new good file(s) and add them to that folder
- run cdcheck again on this folder and make sure all crc ok
- burn the disk to cdr
- Insert purchased INSTALL disk and
choose full install, including radio stations
- When prompted for disk 2 (PLAY disc)
insert the burned version, not the purchased (bad) version. Install should complete without any problems, reboot when complete.
Now you have a good installation with no corrupt files on your HD.
Insert PURCHASED PLAY disc, as it is physically copy protected - inserting burned play disc wont run the game.
You play off of the purchased PLAY disc like you would normally, but the corrupt file will never be sought on this disk because the install was a full install, so runtime will always look for the file on the HD
I could have gotten away with not burning to cd, and just pointing the install to the folder where the good files are, but I wasnt sure if that would mess me up later when trying to play, so I chose to go the cdr route - and circumvent the bad file by completing a full install (including radio stations) to hard disk
anyway, ran around a bit and mugged a few ho's, then blasted around on a little blue scooter
ahh, GTA - back again...
Thanks again fellas (Batvink, TCA, Scraggle, and possibly Alien)
Hope this helps someone
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