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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Terrains & Fog...

Dr Who
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Location: Indianapolis, IN. USA.
Posted: 22nd Nov 2004 21:23
It's been a very long timne since I messed with DBPro, But since there has been a few updates since then, I thought I would ask this question again to hopfully see if the problem has been resolved yet!

A long time ago, A good friend of mine game me his free gift that he recieved from TGC! He won 9th place in the Retro Games competition a while back, and he won a free copy of DarkBasic Pro! Since he already owned a copy of DBPro, He sent me his free copy of DBPro that he recieved from the TGC! I was very excited at the time because I wanted to get DBPro very badly! One of the first things I wanted to create was a terrain with fog on it! Well, I was working with Blitz 3D at the time, And I was hoping that DBPro would have an easy solution to creating terrain meshs. In Blitz 3D, To create a terrain, All you need to do is this:

terrain=CreateTerrain(128)- Creates a terrain 128x128 size!

To texture the terrain:

grass_tex=LoadTexture( "mossyground.bmp" )
EntityTexture terrain,grass_tex

Or To load a terrain mesh:

terrain=LoadTerrain( "media/height_map.bmp" )

To create fog for the terrain or any mesh for that matter:

CameraFogMode camera,fog_mode
CameraFogRange camera,1,10
CameraFogColor camera,red#,green#,blue#

This is all I have to do in order to create a terrain mesh, Or load a terrain mesh & create fog for it in Blitz 3D.

Is there commands now that will allow you to create a terrain & fog for the terrain just as easily as this is?!? I really would like to use DBPro because it's far more advanced in so many ways compaired to that of Blitz 3D. However though, I don't want to have to have a program to read in a BitMap image in order for DBPro to create me a terrain out of heightmaps! During that time when I tried DBPro out for the first time and all... The only way that I could use Heightmaps in DBPro in order to create me my terrains, Was to use a program that read each pixel of the heightmap or Bitmap image file, then it would convert the wire-frame matrix into a terrain mesh! I hope all of the updates of DBPro has finally managed to fix this annoying problem it had?!? Or does it still have this same problem?
I hope either the TCG develpoers can answer this one, Or maybe someone that has all of the updates installed into there copy of DBPro, And please let me know what the deal is now with it ok?

Thank's again to all...

Best Regards,

David T
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2004 02:34 Edited at: 23rd Nov 2004 02:34

The advanced terrain pack sems to be what you're after.

Main thread:

Update for 5.7:

And for fog you can just use the fog commands:

Get 15 new commands, all the date / time commands left out of DBPro for free!
DOWNLOAD PLUGINS HERE: and select "DarkBasic"
Dr Who
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Joined: 6th May 2004
Location: Indianapolis, IN. USA.
Posted: 27th Nov 2004 19:37
Ok! I updated my DBPro to ver. 5.7 and also updated the IDE to now! I even updated the DLL in the Plugins Licensed folder as well! The demo works fine now, And it looks really awesome too!
I put in the following code to try and achieve global fogging on the terrain and it only seems to fog the backdrop bitmap only!!

I entered this into the code for the terrain:

fog on
fog color rgb(255,100,100)
fog distance 0

In Blitz 3D, When you enable fog on their terrains. The entire terrain is effected by the fog then. You then can set the fog distance in the same manner as above to adjust the levels of fogging you want for your terrain! Setting fog on a terrain in DBPro seems to only effect the backdrop bitmap only!! Not the terrain itself?!?
Is there a way to set fog on the terrain as well?

Or better yet! Can somebody be kind enough to post a code snippit that shows how this might be set up then in DBPro?

I would appreciate it very much so!

Best Regards,


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