Here is a very early version of my antialiased text dll. It's a bit slow at the moment but my c++ and directX knowledge is very limited.
I have compiled with April 2005 DirectX SDK.
Here is the sample program
Rem Project: D3D
Rem Created: 12/04/2005 23:51:59
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
set display mode 1024,768,32:sync on
Load Dll "DBProSetupDebug.dll", 1
`Get pointer to D3DDevice
CID=Call Dll(1, "?GetDirect3DDevice@@YAPAUIDirect3DDevice9@@XZ")
Rem Set Font SurfacePointer,Font Name,Font Size(Pixels),Bold(0=False,1=True),Italic(0=False,1=True)
Set Font CID,"Arial",25,0,0
set text size 30
make object cube 1,10
color object 1,rgb(100,50,20)
Text 0,0,"FPS="+str$(screen fps())
Text 300,200,"This is Normal Text"
Rem AAText x,y,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Text
AAText 300,300,255,255,0,100,"This is Antialiased Text (Normal)"
AAText 300,330,255,0,0,25,"This is Antialiased Text (25% Alpha)"
The dll is attached.
Please bear in mind this is quite early code. There is currently no font name validation etc.
All comments welcomed.