what you're looking to achieve is perfectly possible in DBC and DBP. but firstly you need to know a few things.
DBC can only manage limbed models, that is models where seperate objects linked together in a hierachy form your model such as a torso, waist, arm, forearm, hand etc
DBP however supports skinned meshes where you have one solid object, that is controlled by a "rig" of bones which create a skeleton.
when you create a bone in milkshape, it is treated as part of that rig. you then go and select vertices, and assign them to that bone. when you move the bone, the vertices will deform. (like you see in modern games)
now, the great thing about this is with both methods, you can actually do real time limb movements, allowing for ragdolls and all that jazz, altho with bone deformation, its a bit trickier to get working. refer to the tutorial stickied on this board for tips on that.
as for what you're doing, or want to do;
you're not going to be able to do things like change people's faces easily.
your best bet would be to do something like have a base character, that uses bone deformation, but with a very small head. then use the add limb commands and add the limb where the head bone is, you'll then need to link it to the head bone in the hierachy, making the new part the head bones child. You would however end up with a line under people's heads that shouldn't be there, but most people let that sort of thing slide. you could add clothes, paricularly armour, by adding new limbs in the same way.
you asked about textures. you need to make 1 texture, 512x512 or another square size, make sure its a power of 2 though, and you need to unwrap it.
you'll need to texture the new limbs as a seperate step, so each head will need it's own map. However if you want to have lots of different heads and such, i'd advise unwrapping 4 heads to the same map(one in each corner), in order to cut down on memory usage.
with this sort of system in place, you'd keep the base model's animation, while having its appearance changed. Its not a perfect system, but enless you want to try and stick models together at the byte level, its your best bet.
any questions?
I don't have a sig, live with it.