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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Cant make an MP Game with V1

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 15:03 Edited at: 10th Sep 2005 15:05
With V1 if you run a game made and compiled as an MP game and then run the resultant game .exe you are presented with a Single player game menu NEW Game etc screen (seems to think its both MP and SP game). If you choose new game which is the only option (though incorrect)of course then a message of "Waiting to Join" is returned. You cant play of course either a MP or Single Player game as it seems to be compiled incorrectly and you have no choice but to exit.

Seems to run as it should as an MP game in test run in editor though - looks like its just the final compile is messed up.

I had compiled and run Many MP games in V1 Betas and cant find any obvious errors in the files in the V1 game.exe folder so its obviously and internal compile error that the user has no influence over.

Cant see anyone can make and play an MP game with V1 if this is typical of other users.

I would be a little muiffed if I was a joe average user and had bought this off the shelf retail if they cant get an MP game to run at all.

Maybe its something I have done this end but cant find anything obvious at the moment.
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 16:20
yeah i had this problem its because either the demo is still installed or the ea version is still installed you must uninstall both uninstall v1 then start a fresh with a clean install that method worked for me now i can make multiplayer games every time

hope this helps

heres a multiplayer to keep ya going lol

ps wish i could have got on the beta program lol fpsc v1 rocks;4116100;;/fileinfo.html
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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 19:09
Actually I dont have EA installed and have not have since being a Beta Tester as the betas would not run either while it was installed.

I have removed any reference I could find to any previous installation and the installations themselves and reinstalled V1 and still get the same problem.

MP runs or more correctly does not run as Single player game.

When installing V1 as a clean install I do not get asked to provide a user name or serial number which is rather strange - presumably FPSC is using a registration entry from EA which I cant see or remove.

I am not about to either fiddle in the registry of do a hard disk reformat on a system that has hundreds of thousands of files many of which are of importance belonging to important work I do for customers being a designer - for the sake of getting MP to work. It would take a weeks work finding and backing up to everything to many, many DVD's - hundreds of thousands of files.

Thats actually ridiculous though I know some have had to do a reformat. Not sure that would fix the problem anyway so its just not worth it.

A professional product should itself be designed by the makers to update any registry information as appropriate on installation and if FPSC does not do so then that needs correcting by TGC.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 19:58
dident really intend for ya to format your drive my friend

just trying to offer some help and advice

i believe its because it refers to previous files on your harddrive left over from either the demo,beta,or ea version

hope you get it working

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 20:14
This doesn't happen with my copy of V1.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2005 20:47
Make sure you don't use the menu wizard or that will happen. You have to edit the actual FPI.

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