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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Im quite dissapointed and and many others are aswell...

Alucard Hellsing
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 14:03
Look, FPS Creator is great. I love it and so do many others. But just like at least half of the other proud owners, am quite dissapointed. Im just a 17 year old student with a part time job and alot of spare time. so i decided to look for a decient game creator. after playing around with RPG 2003 i looked for something better and found FPS Creator. so i looked through all of the screen shots and saw a world of wonder! Buildings, Cars, planes, Counterstrike like characters, ect. and thought to my self 'i just have enough money so i'll get it!'. and i did, to find no cars, no buildings and no cars or planes, and the closest thing to counterstrike was the shotgun. i admit vr.1 is alot better, but i meen come on... please give us what we paid for. again, im dissapointed.
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 18:39
Some screenshots around may be showing maps that people have made with their own media.
The Nerd
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 18:42 Edited at: 17th Sep 2005 18:42
Yeah, lot's of people around here import there own media into fpsc.

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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 18:46 Edited at: 17th Sep 2005 18:48
Excactly, these are models both from Darkmatter and so on. In no way did TGC imply that these models were found in the included media, but remember - FPSC allows you to import anything. Literally. You can script just about anything. Literally. That was the entire idea of the screenshot competetitions; to see the media people made, and to see how well it could be put to good use. I hardly think that half of the FPSC community is dissapointed. As I already said, TGC never implied that these things were available out of the box (or download). It comes down to what you can do. Textures, models, sounds, scripts, you name it. Modern building textures are simple to find. Heck, you could probably get Whell Gator to make one for you if you really wanted him to. It's not all that hard. And if you think about the massive about of models available on the internet, it's not as bad as might seem.

EDIT: Not just this, but remember it is $49 now.

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Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 18:46
What? Media comes with FPSCreator? I didn't know that! my boomstick!
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 19:22
Okay then.

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Evil stick
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Posted: 17th Sep 2005 20:23 Edited at: 17th Sep 2005 20:24
Yes, if you see at the top and bottom of the page, it says something about user's screenshots.

Now that I reread your post, you said "give us what we paid for". Are you talking about your $44?
Alucard Hellsing
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 06:28
well im in australia and paid $90 and come on... there should at least be trees and vehicles... and who wouldnt want to have driveable or even moving tanks, cars ect. but come one we do need some vegetation dont we... maybe what i said was going a little too far but im a bit P.O'd at how basic it is. i was hoping for a little better, sorta like when you go to see the matrix and its good so you wait for the next one to come out and expect it to be better but it turns out to be good but not as good at what you expected and you sit there thinking 'why was i so exited for this?'. dont get me wrong i love fpsc but i think for what it was it was a little over priced. i'd pay $100 if it had cars and planes and trees ect. you have to agree with me on that one.
Quote: "Modern building textures are simple to find. Heck, you could probably get Whell Gator to make one for you if you really wanted him to. It's not all that hard. And if you think about the massive about of models available on the internet, it's not as bad as might seem.
well can you please give me some direction because i have no idea where i can find stuff. i would be a great help.
Alucard Hellsing
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 06:29
oh yeah... thanks for the tips in other threads about the humvee

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