I am glad to report that progress on this is going smoothly.
Just as a note, this is a menu creation system. You start off with a black screen, however, you will be able to load images, video, sounds, and write text to the screen.
I am developing it to be able to load multiple games, so that 1 menu can control upto 20 games (arrays are giving me problems)
Image Support for BMP, JPG, TGA, DDS, DIB or PNG format.
Sound Support for WAV, AIFF, AU, SND, MIDI or MP3 format.
Video Support for MPEG, AVI or Quicktime format.
Latter, I will see about making it more drag and drop, but for now it is in script format.
text:this is a long sentence,50,52
text:this is a button,50,60
I know it looks complicated at first, but I am trying to make the scripts as simple as possible. (textfont, textsize, textcolor added latter).
If all goes well, it should be out by the end of the week.
Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
"ye oft de adopte early shalt move mountains, and be gods among men"