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Program Announcements / Warhammer Fantasy Virtual Table

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Posted: 31st Oct 2005 05:29
First of all I would like to THANK IamM from the Dark Basic form's for posting his multiplayer chat program online for us. His code was the foundation for this program and all though out the code the software was developed around his concepts. Although some modifications were required for the most part the code is almost unchanged.

Warhammer Fantasy virtual table has finally been completed well at least the first beta program is out. This software is for use in combination with Team Speak or any other voice chat software. But its not required to run, its only for more functionality.
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Posted: 31st Oct 2005 12:14 Edited at: 31st Oct 2005 12:25
downloading now, as i understand its some sort of d&d set with warhammer fantasy, electronicaly? sound spretty neat, yell out if you want a game online will reply when i've tested it out

edit: ok tested it out, its pretty basic but hey, still damn cool! good work, gimme a heads up if you want a game.

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Posted: 31st Oct 2005 14:59
Aye it was just a beta. I'll add macro dice and more add on's soon. With character sheets and all that other good stuff. I just didn't want to tie the application down to just one set of gaming rules.

I'll set up a Hosting server on my domain, that way anyone can make a game session their and not have to worry about finding other people that want to play on the fly. I'll probably add in a lobby as well. Once I get it all locked down and working good enough.

Thank you for your post Wiggett
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Posted: 1st Nov 2005 08:07
I've added a pure chat program on the side to allow for a game Lobby to be joined for people to meet up with one another. There is a current world Lobby being hosted at
You can also host game sessions their if you connect with the Warhammer.exe file That way people don't have to know your IP address and they can just search the game session names at PCRAGE2000 host.
I'll see about adding in a TeamSpeak server their as well.

The chat program is called (Server Link.exe) for some odd reason it came out way bigger than the entier game put together. I have no clue why it did this, Its less code and less meida yet the size is pretty big sitting at (15MB)

I’ve received good news from other sites and individuals that are interested in this project. Eventually I’ll add in password support and other nifty features to fill in the blanks. If you have any comments or suggestions I would love to hear them. The original program is open source if anyone is interested in taking a look at it feel free.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2006 01:27
dead link

The byte chrunchers are coming...
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Joined: 11th Oct 2005
Posted: 3rd Feb 2006 00:52
um...what's with the large bump...

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-Fear of long words

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