1.first you have to know a little about How to program in c++
2. you must check your compiler documentation (there are 100's of c compilers so I cant be speciffic ! ) on how to compile your C+ source file to a dll.
3. after you have compiled it into a dll, you must use another program (usually included in your compilers package as a utility or tool ) to export the list of dll functions from the dll to a readable file so that you actually know what to call in db.
4. once you have that list, you can simply load and call those functions.
here is a simple example :
in c file :
#define DARKDLL __declspec(dllexport)
DARKDLL int test() { int a=33;return a ; }
DARKDLL int test2(){ int b=33; return b; }
once you compile and make the dll , and retrieve the list of exports your dbc code should look something like this :
load dll "testdll.dll",1
a=call dll(1,"@test$qv")
print a
suspend for key
delete dll 1
which when all said and done will simply print 33 to the screen.