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Master of Pupppets
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Location: In your brain!!!
Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 02:29
Hey, I just made this for my aunts buisness. All me, what do u think?

Mak'a ma day!!!


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flashing snall
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 02:36
nice model, can you go inside?

dont assune cause u make an ass out of u and me
Harry Harrison
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2005 02:40
Nice! have you made any other models? keep up the good work!
Master of Pupppets
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 00:56
yo, sry I havn't been on in a while. Ya! I have made more models I am now working on a virtual house. Just modeling in milkshape now. That's what I used...and flash. anything else? well, thx!

Mak'a ma day!!!
Big Man
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 22:23
isn't this in the wrong place?

Our aim is to keep the loo's clean, your aim can help.
Nue B
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 03:28
Not really Big Man. He could've posted it in Models & Media however, This is the Showcase forum. So technically he's justified in showcasing he's models here.

Nue B. or not Nue B. That is the question.
Big Man
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 20:37
oh right ok then

Our aim is to keep the loo's clean, your aim can help.

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