here it is :
ink rgb(15,25,35),1
text 20,120,"New Game"
text 20,160,"Exit"
if (((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 110) and (mousey() <=130))) then ink rgb(255,255,0),0 : text 20,120,"New Game"
if (((mousex() < 10) or (mousex() > 100)) or ((mousey() < 110) or (mousey() >130))) then ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : text 20,120,"New Game"
if ((((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 110) and (mousey() <=130))) and (mouseclick()=1)) then goto game:
if (((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 150) and (mousey() <=170))) then ink rgb(255,255,0),0 : text 20,160,"Exit"
if (((mousex() < 10) or (mousex() > 100)) or ((mousey() < 150) or (mousey() >170))) then ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : text 20,160,"Exit"
if ((((mousex() >= 10) and (mousex() <= 100)) and ((mousey() >= 150) and (mousey() <=170))) and (mouseclick()=1)) then end
until false
you may need to change what i setted when you click on new game it goes to game: .
first 20 are mods. i have 9 sofar.