I dont know how much this will help but I have taken this from the mon hunt tut.I have edited it to exclude the flame out of the back. (I will explain later)
if Mouseclick()=1 and Explode =0
if BulletLife=0 or BulletLife<50
Position object 2,X#+25,Y#+7,Z#
Set object to camera orientation 2
BulletLife =120
show object 2
Loop sound 2
If BulletLife > 0 then Gosub ShootBullet
Here is the shoot bullet routine
Rem Shoot player bullet
Dec BulletLife
Move object 2,12
bX#=Object position X(2)
bY#=Object position Y(2)
bZ#=Object position Z(2)
inc Pn
if Pn=21 then Pn=10
`Scale object Pn,1,1,1
Position object Pn,bX#+25,bY#+10,bZ#
point object Pn,X#,Y#,Z#
Zrotate object Pn,rnd(180)
`Show object Pn
for x = 1 to 10
scale object int((Wrapvalue((Pn-9+x)*36))/36)+10,100+x*25,100+x*25,100+x*25
set cursor 10,10
next x
if bY# < Get Ground height(1,bX#,bZ#) then BulletLife=0
Position sound 2,bX#,bY#,bZ#
set cursor 10,10
if Sqrt((mX# - bX#)^2 + (mY#+25 - bY#)^2 + (mZ# - bZ#)^2) <20
inc PlayerScore
MonsterBulletLife = 1
if BulletLife = 0
Hide object 2
stop sound 2
for x=10 to 20
hide object x
next x
Explode = 20
Sorry this is a bit rushed but I have something to do will be back in a minuite. Tell me if you don't understand any thing.
Our aim is to keep the loo's clean, your aim can help.