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Work in Progress / MPL3D Solar System

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Posted: 11th Nov 2010 16:32
Quote: "i will texture your ship as the others in my game, i work with 3dmax. if you like and if you have permission to do this!"

It is obvious that the model would get benefited from this, as right now the UV maps are quite unworked.

However it is a licensed model and I do not have rights for distribution. I have made a derivative work, but it still must be encapsulated so it can't be directly exposed to the final users.

Nevertheless nothing prevents you from adquiring the same license, bearing in mind that you must accomplish the same requirements, that is, to protect the original file and do not distribute it 'openly'.

If you want to help me texturing the model and organizing the UV maps, I would even pay for it, so you are very welcome. Nothing is wrong with this, as long as you don't distribute the model or results anyhow.

If you want to use the model, you must purchase the original one and make sure that you don't infringe its EULA (I would be doing so if I give it to you directly, unless done with the purpose of that you would only give it back to me, and you would not produce any goods for yourself with it, even image rendering.)

I'm writting you an email regarding all this, we can keep talking about it in that way

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Posted: 11th Nov 2010 17:49
well, i wonder if it was better for you to design a new model instead of purchase an existing model.

to work the uv maps, i must open the model in 3dmax and check the object's meshes. if can do it, no problem i'll do this for free.

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2010 18:39
Quote: "well, i wonder if it was better for you to design a new model instead of purchase an existing model."

Models are not so expensive, and it takes time to produce a high resolution one like this. I did a little research to find the best (in my opinion) looking for the simulation.
It would be a different thing if I were to buy 100 models, like you use in your game

Quote: "to work the uv maps, i must open the model in 3dmax and check the object's meshes. if can do it, no problem i'll do this for free."

Hey that sounds great, I really appreciate your offer
Please read the email that I sent you before we go any further

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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 00:51
I can model spaceships really well and if Ermes would do the texturing for you then you would have many good-quality, free, and mostly license-free models! (I mean mostly license-free because all my models have the same license: You can change and distribute this model as much as you like, as long as you do not say you created the original model. You don't even have to say I made it as long as you don't say you did)

I can do high-res models like your one, including insides of cockpits etc.


P.S. We can't talk via email or MSN or other IMS cause Mum doesn't like me talking to people outside the forums.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 09:17
Quote: "I can model spaceships really well and if Ermes would do the texturing for you then you would have many good-quality, free, and mostly license-free models!"

Hey many thanks for your offering, that's great
Do you have any previous work that we can check out? Or perhaps you could show us what you have in mind
If you produce any good quality spaceship, it could be included in the simulation. Of course you would be properly credited
And I'm sure that Ermes would like to see as well any ship that you may produce

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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 15:17
well, ships must be lowpoly, and it's better the creator of the ship create also its texture
my opinion is columbus ship looks great, and it can be texturized with standard Nasa colour scheme (white and black plus some line of colour).

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 16:04
Quote: "ships must be lowpoly"

Well, I prefer very high poly models, because I rather prefer to reduce them than the opposite. Besides a high polygon model survives better the past of the time.

Quote: "my opinion is columbus ship looks great, and it can be texturized with standard Nasa colour scheme (white and black plus some line of colour)."

Hey that's a very nice idea, I was thinking more in a grey sci-fi scheme, with the name of the ship over it, in a similar way of the battle-star galactica scheme, but the Nasa colour scheme is a nice idea as well

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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 16:59
like this:

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2010 18:40 Edited at: 12th Nov 2010 18:42
Not a bad concept itself, although at the picture the white zone looks too plain, and that would only mean a simple change of colour.
It would be nice to have much more detail like panels, grids, etc. You know

Anyway no worries, let's see what can we do about it

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Posted: 13th Nov 2010 06:53
Quote: "well, ships must be lowpoly"

I can do low poly...

Quote: "Well, I prefer very high poly models"

...and high poly as well

Quote: "it's better the creator of the ship create also its texture"

I don't know if I can....will try, though.

Quote: "my opinion is columbus ship looks great"

Hmm... yes I will try that.

Quote: "Do you have any previous work that we can check out? Or perhaps you could show us what you have in mind"

Not on this computer I don't so you will have to wait.


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Posted: 13th Nov 2010 19:57 Edited at: 13th Nov 2010 19:58
There are two new spectacular videos in YouTube that try to show all the planets represented in the simulation:

All MPL3D Solar System planets - Part 1:

All MPL3D Solar System planets - Part 2:

Many thanks to Ludovisuis, the videos are fantastic and it must have taken a considerable amount of work to make them

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Posted: 13th Nov 2010 23:57
So many planets...

Dr Tank
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Posted: 14th Nov 2010 03:32
When you posted that screeny in the HDR<>bloom discussion, I thought it was from a commercial game. Holy crap!
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Posted: 14th Nov 2010 10:30 Edited at: 14th Nov 2010 10:31
Quote: "So many planets... "

Yeah, I took care that each planet is different

Quote: "When you posted that screeny in the HDR<>bloom discussion, I thought it was from a commercial game. Holy crap!"

Lol. Thank you very much!

Here is the picture that you talk about
(click to enlarge)

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Posted: 14th Nov 2010 17:22

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2010 17:40

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Posted: 15th Nov 2010 16:40
Hi Morcilla,

I currently in the early stages of learning to develop with DarkBASIC, I already code in C++ so shouldn't be a huge jump. Was wondering if you have any pointers you can give me for creating a solar system/galaxy of my own. I'm starting with just the solar system first, as they story progresses more of the galaxy becomes available, which means I can grow the game as it becomes more popular, assuming it ever does! Any pointers you can give would be great, i.e. was your entire system developed in DarkBASIC?

Thanks, Lean

Yes, my avatar is called 'Walking Floppy', story of my life ;OP
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Posted: 15th Nov 2010 21:12
@Ermes, zzz, thanks

Quote: "I already code in C++ so shouldn't be a huge jump."

Then play a little bit more with DBPro and after that jump directly to DGDK, it is DBPro with C/C++ as the base language.

Quote: "Any pointers you can give would be great, i.e. was your entire system developed in DarkBASIC?"

Nope, it uses DGDK.

There would be lots of advices, but let's see what comes to my mind:

- Watch out for float inaccuracies. If you don't take care of the float precision, you'll soon can have trouble with that. Space simulations invite to use large numbers

- Always do the calculus with variables, instead of working with functions that, for example, return a 3d object position.

- Look in the codebase/code snippets section for some already published samples of solar systems. That way you can have something to hold on.

Quote: " they story progresses more of the galaxy becomes available, which means I can grow the game..."

- Then you must plan carefully each part of the program to be easily expandable.

- Best advice would be to start with something more easy to approach than a solar system, or advance in little steps, unless you already know what you're doing

Good luck all the way

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Posted: 20th Nov 2010 06:13
this is incredible! loving everything you have done so far.

Limitless Box studios current project: Lost Contact

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Posted: 20th Nov 2010 16:34 Edited at: 20th Nov 2010 16:44
Thanks defiler

Here is a little video showing the atmospheric effect for the spaceship:

Spaceship atmospheric effect

[Edit, oh and if you like the project, please hit the 'Like' button in our MPL3D FaceBook Page, thanks! ]

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Posted: 20th Nov 2010 16:44
This is an awesome project! Nice work!

I have a question though: I can't playback any of the videos! Have any idea why?
The Slayer
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Posted: 20th Nov 2010 19:47
Awesome work, Morcilla! It would be great to have this in a spacegame. And, the Bloom shader by Bond1 makes it even more beautifull to look at!
This is truly amazing stuff!


Slayer rules!!! Yeaaah, man!
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Posted: 21st Nov 2010 08:29
sent you the model. check!

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2010 15:55
how to reproduce the day night cicle in a planet ??
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Posted: 21st Nov 2010 17:23 Edited at: 21st Nov 2010 17:25
Quote: "I have a question though: I can't playback any of the videos! Have any idea why?"

Well, if you cannot play the wip .avi videos, perhaps you do not have installed Divx codecs...

Quote: "Awesome work, Morcilla! It would be great to have this in a spacegame. And, the Bloom shader by Bond1 makes it even more beautifull to look at!
This is truly amazing stuff!


Hey yes indeed, the bloom shader adds a lot of quality to the result, and thank you very much

Quote: "how to reproduce the day night cicle in a planet ??"

zappi, that question is too open. Please dig the forum to find your approach. Here are some links related to that:

Quote: "Search Results - 4 results found
You searched Code Snippets for thread subjects matching cycle.

Subject Replies Author Views Last Post @
Perfect Day Night Cycle 26 CuCuMBeR 2,066 2nd Sep 2006 00:18
by The admiral
sky light cycles function - cause not everyday is the same 4 david w 325 10th Feb 2006 06:34
by david w
Basic Day/Night Cycle 1 MikeS 356 7th Nov 2004 12:04
by MikeS
Advanced Day-Night Cycle (DBC v1.13U) 15 Yusaku 712 12th Jul 2004 10:11
by GenTekZ"

Hope that helps

Quote: "sent you the model. check!"

Allright here is Ermes' contribution. A Nasa scheme texture for the 'Columbus'.
The results speak by themselves, fantastic work Ermes:

Columbus Nasa scheme texture by Ermes:
(click to enlarge)

Aren't they great?
There are two versions of the texture, one with the black cockpit and other with the white cockpit.
The white cockpit has more chances to make it into the final version, because it seems more scientifically accurate

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Posted: 21st Nov 2010 17:53 Edited at: 21st Nov 2010 17:55
it's an honour for me, i must say the model itself is fantastic.

texturing it was a joke.

btw "comlumbus" is not centered. i'm going to fixing it.

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2010 10:11
Thank you very much Ermes, the Nasa scheme concept fits very well into the simulation.

Seeing the black & white spaceship, with the blue sky as background, rings a bell of space missions.

It looks like a 22th century space shuttle

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2010 12:30
that's what i want the columbus looks.
i haven't words to descrive how i'm proud you like the texture.

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2010 17:40
thanks for the link
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2010 18:31
morcilla, do as you wish but can you please explain this?

Quote: "The white cockpit has more chances to make it into the final version, because it seems more scientifically accurate"

just for know.

ogni scarafone è bello a mamma sua.
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 11:12
Well, you know, Nasa and other nowadays space vehicles are not painted for fashion reasons.

For example, the main fuel tank of the spaceship shuttle has always been 'brown' because it is unpainted. The additional weight and the cost of the paint didn't justify its function.

Black areas are black because they are to absorbe the heat.
White areas are white to reflect the maximum possible amount of external radiation and to not to overheat.
Therefore, crew areas should be white, to help to keep temperatures and radiation low.

Maybe in a far future, with unlimited energy resources on board, this won't be needed anymore and you could choose the color and the extras of your ship before buying it

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 11:27
ah, i wasn't aware of that! thanks!

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 14:44
Wow, sweet! I really like the new texture, and I think it's cool that you've modeled the inside of the cockpit. It really put things into scale!

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 16:03
cockpit texture isn't mine, also spaceman texture isn't mine.
i've done only the black&white.
the beautiful cockpit art is a work of Morcilla!!

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Posted: 24th Nov 2010 10:50
Quote: "you've modeled the inside of the cockpit. It really put things into scale!"

Yes indeed. All units and scales are still being respected in terms of distance, velocity, acceleration and time speed

Quote: "the beautiful cockpit art is a work of Morcilla!!"

Lol, thanks
I just made a quick uv mapping of the cockpit, and I used some textures from an old TGC pack. I think the inner part of the backdoor looks kind of weird, but as said I just worked with the 1st textures that I catched around.

Spacemen are also from another pack, so they are pre-made. I just made them a little bit more rounded and had them sat in the chairs, texture was already there.

Have a closer look to the navigator and the scientific officer
(click to enlarge)

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Posted: 24th Nov 2010 10:55
as ever, when i look at your works, i'm

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Posted: 24th Nov 2010 21:01
very good !!! a great work
General Jackson
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Posted: 25th Nov 2010 00:15
Wow this is Awesome!

Good job!

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 15:34
morcilla, a question:

how did you get the cockpit glass transparent??

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 17:52
Cockpit glass is transparent because it uses a shader that makes it that way.
The glass is a separate limb, so it can be textured and shadered independently by using 'texture limb' and 'set limb effect'

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 20:22
ok... this is understandable looking at your model with max, but the shader is?....

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 21:25
I would be downloading this for sure if only it weren't >300mb. It looks really interesting!


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Posted: 8th Dec 2010 10:34 Edited at: 8th Dec 2010 10:34
Quote: "ok... this is understandable looking at your model with max, but the shader is?.... "

It is a regular normal map shader with alpha blending.

Here you have Green Gandalf's normal map shader: ggbump05.fx

To make it transparent, the alpha blending declarations must be included in the techinque/pass section, like this:

You'll find it here as well, along with many other shaders:

The Learning To Write Shaders Shader Archive

Quote: "I would be downloading this for sure if only it weren't >300mb. It looks really interesting!"

Thanks, the major weight goes to the textures, at least three textures are needed per each planet (all of them are different). Version 1.2 is getting old, but still worth a try

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Posted: 8th Dec 2010 11:14
thanks. i will use it in the future, it will be nice to have starships with transparent command centre windows.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2010 00:17
Morcilla, no way to do it.

i've also downloaded two shaders called GG alpha and Limbalpha, they don't work as they should. the one you passed me, with the mod you suggested, don't work. uff as i always said, effects are a nightmare. never mind.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2010 11:53
Quote: "it will be nice to have starships with transparent command centre windows."

Well, I must say that ghosting the full limb is just the way I prefer. The other way (and more usual) is to use a transparency map.
With a transparency map, there is no need to constraint the transparency to a sub-set of triangles (limb) to define the transparent areas.
The transparent areas are defined in this case in the transparency map, that usually is stored in the alpha channel of some other texture, depending on the shader.
Needless to say that the transparency map must have a decent resolution to output neat results.

As the ship in the project is parametrizable by the user, I decided to not to overload the user with alpha channels, but rather let him choose which limbs are transparent.

Quote: "i've also downloaded two shaders called GG alpha and Limbalpha, they don't work as they should. the one you passed me, with the mod you suggested, don't work. uff as i always said, effects are a nightmare."

Check my answer in your WIP thread.
You can post any code and describe your problems there.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2010 13:09
ok thanks, i've already read the reply on my thread.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2010 16:06
Hello, long time no see. Glad to see your project evolved alot since i last saw it.

I just stopped by to ask if there is any spherical lod terrain involved in this one like a roam planet or such.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2010 10:35
Hey CuCuMBeR, welcome back
No, no spherical lod terrain, that would be wonderful programming, however kaedroho is opening a path in this direction with his BlitzTerrain, check it out, it seems it will be ready around january 2011

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Posted: 10th Dec 2010 13:25
Oh not coming back for sure, just passing by.

blitzterrain wont do any good for me as i rather need the source code. Too many examples on the web but i just cant get my head over the maths.

Anyways, if you need the same thing you might as well check here:

It is free for non-commercial stuff and would be very easy to integrate with darkgdk. You might do some planet landing with your software. Doesnt work in my case though.

anyways, cya.

There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

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