Too bad for you... same text doc that I refered you to
* Note that the FPSC game engine relies on functionality provided by the Enhancements expansion pack, if you do not have this pack the source code will not compile, you can find out more information about the expansion pack here
* For those who already own the Enhancements pack you will need to update to the latest version, this can be found in your order history on the web site
* If you build your own version of the game you may find a problem with a subscript out of bounds, if this is the case look in the languagebank\english\textfiles folder and modify fpsc-050.ini so that the number is 629 instead of 625, now open fpsc-050.txt and add lines to the end of the file like this -
This will stop the error message from displaying
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I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.