Data Mangement
Do you like math? I don't so don't worry this math is very basic.
What the heck is variables?
Variables again as I mentioned it's hard to explain. But they are certain values that hold the values you want at a period in time. In DarkBASIC there is three types of them: floats, strings and integers.
These are non-rational numbers that range from above 0 to below 0.
integer = 12212
Floats are basically rational numbers they range from above 0 to below 0. They must have a # in front.
float# = 12.12
Arrays are variables that keep the same name but have a different id, useful for some stuff.
Rem Arrays
dim array(1)
array(1) = 1
dim array(1,1)
array(1,1) = 1
dim array(1,1,1)
array(1,1,1) = 1
dim array(1,1,1,1)
`You get the picture
`not possible syntax issues
`You cannot exceed the value declared in dim so the first one
`Could only have two arrays 0, and 1.
Data statements can be declared using the data command, there is no restrictions they can hold lots of values, strings and integers on the same line!
data 1,"string",1.2,1,1,1,1,1
so on ..........
Perpare for: Customizing our text
Tutorial Man - The Teacher of Dark BASIC