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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] NIK's new project - Screenshots here

Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Location: Sierra vista in indonesia
Posted: 12th Sep 2006 07:32
the weapons look a tad blurred but besides that its great My Birthday is Sept. 12th... give me free stuff
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Joined: 28th Jun 2006
Location: In your Mind...
Posted: 12th Sep 2006 08:43
I personally don't like the "blinged" out look. Draws too much attention away from the game itself.

Providing Music and Logos for the community and at rock bottom prices!
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Location: Texas
Posted: 16th Sep 2006 01:53 Edited at: 16th Sep 2006 01:55
Bloodeath 666 and Godrich13 thanks for the feedback. I'll keep your comments in mind.

Can a mod please lock this thread.This stuff is all old and doesn't represent my current work. The big one is coming soon.


(Mod Edit)
Connor Higgins
User Banned
Posted: 16th Sep 2006 01:54
Cool cant wait

super cool timmy turner has fairy godparents and i am not a mad science teacher i am a real boy so FAIRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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