Ignoring 90% of the argument
What is the Rating on Chess? Checkers? Backgammon?
FPSC Supports the importation of level models. You have not taken in the time to find the ways to best import them as suggested by your request to remove layers from fpsc. I have seen several games which have successfully imported their own land geometry, however it was shown that there are collision issues.
The issues are NOT FPSC as an editor, but FPSCtev a engine. The actual editor can be used for most any level of game making, just shy of true professional. All you need is to be able to edit the properties of entities and beable to place them where you want right?
The whole concept of the script engine is still pretty professional, most game engines do feature external addetations instead of internally because of the increased flexability in programming the ai/actions/whatever instead of hard programming which would require the recompile of the engine for each AI test.
FPSC can do alot higgans, it is just sub-standard, but it still can do more then you claim it can.
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I believe society is flawed; our notions on life, on child rearing, stem too far back to be of relevance in this day and time.