Chess Encounter
This game is a bit like the old DOS game "Battle Chess", except it is based in space and the pieces are robots. Whenever you move or take an opponents piece, the game animates the action in realtime 3D.
Artist: Alvarus
Programmer: Crit
Title Screen
Loading Bar
3D Mouse - Click anywhere on 3d chess board to move pieces
Mouse-over and Mouse-click states for the buttons
Click & Drag - Pieces can be dragged between 2D and 3D windows
Click and Drag moves 2D chess piece while animating 3D selection and targeting reticles
Pieces can only move to valid squares
Castle & En Passant Special moves function correctly
Checkmate & Stalemate Detection works
Moving pawn to end promotes to queen
Automatically saves the game on checkmate
2 Player Hotseat mode
2 Player Client/Server mode
Simple network Chat
3D Camera Selection
Choose 2D or 3D view for main screen.
AVI Animations for Targeting and Comm Windows
Fixed annoying white halo around large 2D chess pieces
Artificial Intelligence updates
- Computer calculates dynamic values for pieces.
- Enumerates pieces that are allowed to move
- One Player mode enabled - play against Artificial Intelligence
- Fixed a bug in which the computer tried to move pieces that had already been taken.
- AI avoids putting its pieces in unnecessary danger
- When a checkmate is possible, AI recognizes and takes it
- AI won its first game against a human (human had never played chess before)
To Do:
Sound & Music
Let player promote pawn to any piece
Reduce Poly count on models to improve limb performance
Animate models - I plan on moving the limbs direclty from darkbasic here. I have a test with one model working, but it slows to a crawl when all the models are on screen.
Apply shaders to models. We have some good tests working with metal shaders.
AI - I could do some standard minimax functions, but I'm trying to go for something a little less artificial and more intelligent. I've got some good ideas for this, but they're not implemented yet.
Timed Game modes
load/view game
import/export .pgn files
Timer based movement
We will put a demo up sometime. Right now its about 70MB, so we'll have to eliminate some of the AVIs and make all the BMPs into JPGs.