Alright, I ordered DBPro and figure I may as well stick to other programs offered on this site so I can make sure everything is going to work well together and bother you all with my questions in the same forums.
The following is a list of tools I am wondering about getting. I would like your opinions on the different tools and whether or not you think they are worth getting. (A / inbetween two or more different tools indicated I am thinking about getting one or the other, not multiple, but feel free to suggest more than of the same class tool if you think that would be best.)
3D Canvas Pro/Gamespace ?
Action 3D ?
Texture Maker ?
ExGen ?
3D World Studio/Cartpgraphy Shop 4/T.Ed ?
gile[s] ?
Dark Voices ?
SFXEngine ?
Please let me know if you feel I do not need any of the above tools, which ones would be best to get, which ones are a waste, or if you believe there is an alternative tool somewhere that would do a better job. Thanks!
Computers are like air conditioners, they stop working when you open windows.