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3 Dimensional Chat / Big Bosses Contest [WIP Thread]

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 6th Aug 2006 17:16 Edited at: 8th Aug 2006 13:04
Well done to Dark Serpant on winning last time...unfortunately due to absence the theme went to Disturbing 13.

Main contest thread (Rules and requirements:
Entry Thread:

Theme Requirements:

Create a game enemy that could pass as a 'Big Boss'. You must include a backdrop, so if your boss model isn't so special, you can make it up in the background.
Polygon limit for the boss - 2500 (As usual you may got slightly over. Only slightly)

Extra requirements (Quoted from D13)
Quote: "Yeah i was looking for a HUGE boss, something that could not be mistaken for anything else but a boss monster. It doesn't have to be like shadow of collossus big but but over the 10 foot range would be nice. As for the background, it should be in its stage, So I'm talking 3d area not just a backdrop tossed up behind it. Remember the stage has to reflect the Bosses size otherwise how do we know it's big?"

Begin and enjoy.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2006 17:44
i thought D13 said 2500?

i'm definately gonna enter this one i think, just as soon as i've finished my resubmission for uni.

I'm looking forward to some original concepts appearing over the next weeks.

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 6th Aug 2006 19:41
Did he? My bad, I'll edit that one.

Can't wait to see your WIP dude.

Mucky Muck Ninja
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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 04:11
All these character contests are good for me I think lol. Maybe of these contests i'll make a decent character :p

Heres mine so far, 592 faces. Theres still a lot to be done, as he is going to have a creature to ride.

I think i'll name him Frederick....the Skull Crusher!!
Actually I dunno for now his name is big boss.

And his lovely sword.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 05:09
He looks like a she, to be honest.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 09:28
doesnt look big, or like a boss...

Looks like a really pale emo boy/girl (never can tell these days) with a psycho mantis/ Rammstein Modis Operandi and some hooker tights.

Also the thing on his shoulder, and the gloves do not fit into the color pallette/mood at all.

This model needs a large amount of re working.

The shoulders are huge compared to the neck, and arent built right for deformation.

Also the legs look a bit short compared to the torso, but the torso looks a bit better so just elongate the legs I guess.

Overall the texture looks like a mishmash of photo references and gradients from PS. thus there is no real colour pallette and everything looks smashed together. i reccommend painting everything yourself to maintain style. Pre select colours to be used, and make sure they go together.

no really vibrant next to really desaturated.

Dont take this to rough, I think your model has alot of potential and I realize that it was made in a day or two. I dont see why you UV mapped and everything this early in theg ame but whatever floats your boat.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 10:57
Hm you know he looks more like a player character than a boss perhaps I will work on him later for a different project and start a new one for the boss, a much larger thing. I sort of forgot that he was meant to be a huge boss and was concentrating on creating a sort of funny looking, cartoony goth/emo kid.

It's funny you should say that I used photo references as all the textures are my work. I 'painted' most of the body in blender and then did the face and other random stuff in GIMP. Thanks for the crit though when I get back to him ill fix up the things you mentioned.

User Banned
Posted: 7th Aug 2006 11:10
Mucky Muck Ninja: you could always make him look bigger by adding a back drop with lots of small things in it. Just an idea.


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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 11:44
Mucky Muck Ninja-i think he looks like a good boss, or a rival, but i guess were going for huge things here(like shadow of the colossus type stuff). btw i like the two sided sword

dang this one sound fun, i'll try to find time to put in a model, sry i'm kinda new to these contest stuff, when is the deadline, 1 week, 2, until somone decides?

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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 15:53
yeh, lookin gd, does the boss have to be for a melee fighting game?

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 15:57
Nope, it can be for any type of game, like, I mean big bosses could range from stuff similar to dumbow and cool to Doom

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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 19:43
I was thinking literal big, bosses.

Sephiroth was the coolest boss in any game ever but I dont think hes really that big. Menacing, you bet, but I had pictured we were going for a shadow of collossus style boss.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 22:19
I'm entering this one. Do you mean we have to make shadow of the colossus bosses? I just finished the modeling stages of this:

I was going for a temple guarden kind of look. I planned on her being about 9 ft tall, but not 50 ft.

p.s. do we need to make our own backdrops or can we use any random image?

crit please

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 7th Aug 2006 22:22
Its what ever Disturbing has decided, so I'm guessing its based on your interpretation of a big boss. (Okay maybe not sephiroth, but how obout one of his monster forms in the two last battle before you fight him as a human, they were big enough to call big boss )

But a Shadow of Collosus type boss would be cool, we had aggro last time. It would be interesting to see if someone actually does one.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2006 01:58
yeah, i was thinking something along those lines... a REALLY BIG boss would be cool.

Also, i don't think non-organic modellers should be put off this compo, what about a R-type style boss? a megasized space ship with a million guns maybe?

Blazer: looks like you've got some problems with her loin cloth there, try putting the two sides into different smoothing groups, or even just removing the back of it, and just turning off cull in your render.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2006 03:05
Yeah i was looking for a HUGE boss, something that could not be mistaken for anything else but a boss monster. It doesn't have to be like shadow of collossus big but but over the 10 foot range would be nice. As for the background, it should be in its stage, So I'm talking 3d area not just a backdrop tossed up behind it. Remember the stage has to reflect the Bosses size otherwise how do we know it's big?

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Posted: 8th Aug 2006 03:41
thanks for clearing that up. I'll probably do a new one, either way just scratch that picture. I always like the flying sand wyrm on shadow of colossus, mabey I'll do him

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Disturbing 13
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Posted: 8th Aug 2006 05:28
Just remember it's original works, not from another game. Pure imagination on this one.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2006 16:39
this is an awesome challenge 13, ive started my entry, just wondering though, when's the deadline?

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 20:48
i've got a feeling everyone else's progress has stopped dead, but here's my WIP big boss so far..

cool shot

zoomed out

closer in

it has no name so far, but im thinking "Verogun" sounds quite cool.

bit under 3000 polys so far, but i can bring it down.
C&C Welcomed, id love to know what to do with it while im remembering how to texture with blender again.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 21:24
Quote: "
bit under 3000 polys so far, but i can bring it down."

I hope so, I don't want to refuse a good quality model like that .

Nice WIP, it looks like you really have optimised your polies there, making sure each one is necessary, good work.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 21:34
nice model, make the rib cage one big slab, then use alpha's to seperate out the different bones.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 22:29
cheers for the feedback

@oddmind - i would but id like the ribs to be 3d, and with alphas, i couldnt texture all the dimensions, but no matter, the ribs and spine are only 800 polys in total its the dreadlocks that are creating the problems.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 23:10
Very Nice! I would definitely follow Oddmind's advice and do a solid ribcage with alpha. Looking real good though.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2006 23:45
mkay what ever suits your needs

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 00:57
Quote: "its the dreadlocks that are creating the problems."

Dreadlocks are always a problem, have to be sorted out every month because ye hair grows...can't wait till mine are properly done...apologies for the idle crap.

Anyway, I'm on holiday next week, from Saturday. (I think) So I need the people who kindly volunteered to help me out to take over and I doubt I'll need any mod's to update the main thread, but if it is, I would like one of the people I asked, to contact a mod, starting with MikeS as he likes to help .

Thank you.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 02:17
@treborguy: very nice model looks alot like a final boss from legend of dragoon. i think this model would look great smoothed out. but for this contest you dont wanna go over the poly limit.

edit: nice seeing everyone. once again to a long break

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 05:20
Treborguy, kick ass dude....

my wip - still got just under 1K polies to finish some stuff then on to texturing before working on final scene...

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 05:24
Here is my WIP of my Boss, its an Ent:

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 07:04
Quote: "its an Ent:

jeeze I wish you the best ont rying to keep it under 2500 . You should do a highpoly version just to make it kick more ass than it will anyways

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 13:21 Edited at: 10th Aug 2006 13:28
@heckno - cheers dude, yours is looking pretty cool, id like to see some big ass horns on it though

i think that everything about bosses has to be big.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 15:46
treborguy, consider that image stolen, I'm gonna model that guy, but not for contest, but own work

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 17:22
kk just don't sell the model

i got my thing down to 2764 polys, on the brief it says u can go slightly over as long as its not much, soo.. how much have i got left to cut, because soon im actually going to have to start chopping bodyparts off :S

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 18:52
@Higgins: You wont be able to enter that in the competition as it has to be an original monster

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 19:04
He is fine.

All ents are different. And I speak for Musashi when I say that, because I think he's on vacation, or going on one soon.

and trebor your alright but not a vert more

Also Trebor did you paint that image? I know alot of the guys on polycount are putting their origonal paintings in there, if its not yours you might wanna clear it with someone. I'm sure they will be cool with it tho. Just courtesy.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 19:20
Quote: "kk just don't sell the model "

I won't, I know it would be copyright, had it not be 20k-70k-400k polys currently (Depending on the base model and the how detailed I want the displacement maps) I would try to enter the model, I'll post the WIP in a seperate thread later.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 20:37
@oddmind - don't worry, the source is quoted at the bottom ( and im not copying the design so, i'm sure they won't mind.

@musashi - cool, can't wait to see it, i havn't really seen anyone elses modelling capabilities yet

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Posted: 10th Aug 2006 22:14
Quote: "@musashi - cool, can't wait to see it, i havn't really seen anyone elses modelling capabilities yet"

Thanks, you can now. A general look around will get an over view of what people are like modelling, but a lot show up here, so once I have the contest archives sorted you can browse around people's work.

Mucky Muck Ninja
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Posted: 11th Aug 2006 07:41 Edited at: 11th Aug 2006 07:41
Well heres the start of another model, decided to go more my style and make something robotic. Its a hover tank, the cylinders at the bottom will be alphamapped to look like engine flames.

I think the modelling is just about done and its time to unwrap. However I do have an extra 2250 polies to use maybe i can expand it some more. I'm reluctant to add a bunch of tiny details as they are a pain to unwrap and texture. Much easier in the long run to add in detail w/ the texture.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2006 08:01
haha you could go in and bevel all the edges. Would look interesting, use up polys and not be so hard to unwrap.

Give it a go and if it looks crap then it does

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 11th Aug 2006 12:45
Nice, I think you might be able to keep the polygon count within limits if you bevel, however, if you got more stuff planned, then I can see why. Nice idea.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 00:07 Edited at: 12th Aug 2006 00:09
last update before I post a final, that's if I continue....

it still needs hands & feet to complete the body...

edit: sure would make a kick ass mob for a RPG project...
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 00:39
Nice, give him a long beard and you've got pei mei

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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 01:25
Update! I'm pretty happy with the texturing so far, i think im about ready to work on the stage. It's 402 polies now. Not sure where the extra 200 polies came from as I don't think I added anything



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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 01:57
I think i'll take a stab at this contest
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 01:59
Nice texture.

Okay, I should ask this after the holiday, as I won't have time to discuss this, but, what does the TGC contest lot and the general community think about adding a model of the week part to the stickied thread, it will appear beneath the contest, each model of the week will be picked out by judges or just me or whatever on what model from the community deserves praise and I could cook up something to be sent.

So as Mucky was last poster, so he came to mind first.

Model of the Month - Jonny Urine by Mucky Muck Ninja
[image of model]
[comment about his model and why it gets it]
congradulations you have got Musashi's mech, although yours is much better .
I think it will encourage people more and give more recognition to good work and give people that extra confidence to work more, and hopefully encourage to get more WIPs out of people, if I ever find there is no model for Motm, then I'll dive in the depths of the FPSC forum for some.

Good idea?

Mucky Muck Ninja
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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 02:07
Sounds like an awesome idea, just for the record its jimmy urine not jonny :p.
Also above you said model of the week and then you said model of the month, personally I think a model of the week would be better, theres almost always a WIP or two on the forum, and it would provide a sort of smaller 'contest' type thing for people who don't want a theme, and just want to be recogized for their work on a personal project.

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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 02:41
Here is an update of my ent:

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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 03:56
Quote: "then I'll dive in the depths of the FPSC forum for some"
dont go down there! its not safe!

I think model of the week would be excellent!

Except you cant pay the judges to pick you every time

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 12th Aug 2006 04:46
Here is a wip of of my boss. 1090 triangles. Its name is The Tantra. This is my first time entering one of these contests, I look forward to doing it more. I dont know if the texture will be too good, character texturing is my weak point. Btw, that cylindrical thing in the middle of his torso is his powercore. It keeps him alive and killing.

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