Standard export settings should work fine. Sometimes you have to do things like clean the mesh. I find that there are certain actions I've not identified yet, that cause the file to mess the exporter up.
So what I do with a new model is make sure I test major changes with the exporter and import it into DBP, dont forget to save every successful step. It might help to adjust the auto save just in case.
I also test the way I plan on working with a simple cylinder, and test vertex groups, vertex weights, modifiers and armature features then simple animations. The only thing I'm unsure of again is if you can have unassigned vertices or bones
With my final model, If I have to do something significant like add a weapon, I un-parent everything, adjust the vertex groups, then parent again before export.
By the way, I think its necessary to bake the animation, then apply it to the mesh.
I wish I knew what I were doing!