are you bugged about not knowing how to make animated decals? do you want to make your own uber water? then just listen to my instructions.
1. Download and install The GIMP.
2. Run gimp and create logo or decal image. (logo if you want an animated company logo)
3. move mouse to Script-FU, then down to Animators and select the animation of your choice.
3. choose setting under window that pops up.
4. Click OK.
5. wait for animation to be generated.
6. click "Save As"
a.If you are making animated decal, make the filename "decal.tga"
b. If you make a logo, make filename what you want, with a .gif extension.
7. use how you wish.
notes- If anyone wants to make a decal with their animation, it should be 16 frames.
If you wish to make a decal, but are unsure of the next step, I can help you out.
Picture atatched!
Aliens are real! you all laugh at me now and think I'm crazy! but when I post a video of me with an alien, you will all be sorry!!!