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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / TGC / AGEIA Dark Physics Competition 2006

Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 02:20 Edited at: 4th Sep 2006 17:21
Hi all,

I have created this thread specifically to deal with questions about the TGC 2006 Programming Competition, in conjunction with AGEIA and BFG Technologies.

Update: All the rules and competition details are now on the Dark Physics web site:

Post compo questions here.

This is a very exciting competition, with some truly excellent prizes on offer - so please do consider entering, even if you don't own Dark Physics we've prepared a special trial version just for this compo.



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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 02:39 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2006 02:39
Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 02:54

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Medieval Coder
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 02:55
ok cool!

Elite Gaming
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 03:09
Could i enter the competition with the following game i'm creating using Dark Physics,

I know theirs alot of company logos in their, and has a replica car in the game. Is this going to cause a problem?
Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 03:18
You would need to change the logos to something similar, but different (if you get what I mean) because yes, it's a copyright issue. Technically it is quite frowned upon people entering games they've already written, but I can see that isn't quite the case yet with yours and given the short deadline I'm not sure it's fair to enforce this strictly. I'll think on it over the weekend.

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Elite Gaming
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 03:25
@ Richard Davey

Thanks for the reply, i'd understand if you couldn't allow it to be entered in the competition, i've seen loads of competitions come and go, and finally thought i'd give one a go. Although their is still tonnes of work i have to do to my game to make it harness the power of Dark Physics better.

If you could let me know as soon as possible next week, that would be great, as i can start to redo all the textures (would it be ok to use DarkBASIC/Ageia logos in the game?).

Great Knight
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 05:23
Sounds cool for the people that have the dll.

I all ready I have DBPro installed, but no physics dll thing.
What will happen if I get the demo that comes with part of the physic
dll thing and install it. Will it ruin my current install of the full version
in any way. I really don't feel like unistalling a full version of DBPro
to install a demo version of DBPro.

And do we have to use the DLL at all. Or can we implement our own system
into it.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 05:41
You can install the trial along-side the full version of DBPro, it will not overwrite it and they can both run together. Yes you have to use Dark Physics, no you cannot use anything else (for the physics element.. i.e. no ODE, Newton, etc).

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 06:33
I'm so doing this... lookout skilled coders I've been unleashed! I had better get learning.

formerly KrazyJimmy

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 08:53 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2006 09:38
Can we have a list of pc specs that the judges will be using? i assume they will be pretty much top of the line rigs, just to be sure.

[Edit] Also can we enter one in each compo? so in theory you could win a ppu then make a 2nd entry .

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 11:50
Quote: "Technically it is quite frowned upon people entering games they've already written, but I can see that isn't quite the case yet with yours and given the short deadline I'm not sure it's fair to enforce this strictly. I'll think on it over the weekend."

I can see why this would be frowned upon in most compos, but this one is all about the physics and should be judged soley on it's usage. If someone had an engine and wanted to enter the compo, they would most likely use most of the code they have now anyway. Once you write a code to do something it is usually made portable to be reused anyway.

I won't be entering the compo as I'm too busy, but I will be taking this time to play with the demo version of Dark Physics to see if I want to buy it. If so, I'll add support to my free, open source engine.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 16:03
imho, using a half written game for this compo is wrong, but thats just my opinion, level playing fields and all that, i can see a few people not entering if they are going up against a game already in development from before the compo was announced.

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Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 16:06
agreed with geecee. if the competition has a deadline then clearly time is a factor. some of us are already on a tight enough schedule. playing catchup to an already started project simply isnt fair.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 16:36
At least Dark Physics is very young, nobody can have such a huge start on others. Like it's been said, people have libraries of code far older and mature than their physics efforts to port into their game.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 16:59
porting code into your game is normal, but using a game already announced as being 'in DEV' is not cricket. even if its heavily remixed.

if the game had not appeard in WIP then there would be no issues, but we know this game is in quite an advanced state from the WIP thread. it looks nice, really nice, and could very well be a serious contender, but thats not the issue.

the issue is simple, this game has been in development since before the compo was announced. that's all. developing a routine to place sprites on screen before the compo is ok, devving a gravity controller function is acceptable, but a game in progress is a game already started outside of the compo time limits and being announced in WIP should not be allowed, simple as that, hell i could pull out half written game and enter it, but sure as hell won't do it, because its not right.

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Elite Gaming
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 18:47
My post seems to of hit the wrong note!

Looks like i'll start a fresh with a new project for this competition. Sorry if it annoyed anyone - first competition i'm going to enter in, so i didn't know what i can and can't do for it.
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 19:43
hey Elite, dont worry about it too much, wer'e notpicking on you or anything, your game looks real sweet (i'll play it for sure), were only saying its better for everone involved if the game is something you have started 'AS' a compo entry at the correct time, it helps with cries of foul play later on.

nothing against you personally, you seem to be a good coder and i'm sure you'll come up with something just as entertaining.

like i said before, wer'e not picking on anyone out of badness, just trying to level the playing field for everyone.

sorry if i came across as a bit 'heavy'.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 20:23
heh, i have a top game idea.

I have just actually started making this, so its going to happen. lol

this game is based on the bomberman gameplay, but as well as things that can blast, it will also have fluid bombs you can use to drown your opponents, fluid bombs being the main weapon, players can collect barriers, and place them where thay want, other players can also pick up the barriers after placing and move them elsewhere on the map. barriers stop fluids moving. viscosity bombs make the water gloopy and slower moving, ice bombs freeze the water, firebombs turn effected water back into normal water, normal water evaporates if hit by firebombs, ice melts etc.

The main objective of the game is to kill your opponents by any means possible, ie, a large object caught up in the fluid could smash a barier and the supposedly safe player on the other side gets wiped out.

anyway i'm currently getting the map system down and wrangling with gamplay specifics in my head, prepare for craziness. lol.

cheers, napoleon.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 22:00
The function of this competition is to create demos that will help promote AGEIA, the PPU and Dark Basic. I don’t see how having something that you created in the past then modify to take advantage of Dark Physics is cheating in any way. We all have advantages of one kind or another better systems, more money to buy tools, more time available for programming etc. Some of the programmers in this forum have been working with Dark Physics for over 6 months because they had the good fortune to be beta testers and I’m sure they won’t excuse them selves because of that advantage

All’s fair in Love, War and programming competitions (except plagiarism)


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Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 22:41
Quote: "The function of this competition is to create demos that will help promote AGEIA, the PPU and Dark Basic"

the function of this competition is to win prizes foo.

Peter H
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 00:25 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2006 00:26
just curious... who's entering in the software one and who's entering in the later hardware one?

i think i'm going to enter, just not sure which one to enter in... (hardware has nicer prizes, but maybe more competition...)

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game maker #05
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 00:51
hi people,
1.) i am haveing problems downloading the DarkPhysics file and the text file... (ei. it will start out just fine then for no reson just finish and say that the file is corupted. why is this?)
2.)and how do i register for the contest
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 01:10
Can you edit your software version to make it hardware?

Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 01:16
Quote: "an you edit your software version to make it hardware? "

all it takes is changine 1 parameter for one command, namely "phy start"

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 01:37 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2006 01:38 must increase the #of particles....and things going on in the game. For example increasing the number of particles to 2000. Its not as easy as changing "phy start".

Basicly I was asking if we were allowed to make a software game hardware only.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 03:10 Edited at: 4th Sep 2006 15:34
I downloaded the special trial to start learning ageia physix and i noticed something...

the trial only runs until the end of october... that could be kind of bad if somebody wanted to participate in the hardware contest (which goes until nov 15th.) and i'm pretty sure Rich said the trial would last until the end of november.

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Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 04:26
can't do squat with the trial anyway. the most fundamental commands i needed to use cant be used due to it being trial version.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 10:35
I think it works great espesaly being able to teleport objects and things like cloth and liquid. Far better than newton or ODE

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 11:49
ok i am a little confused where do we submit the room physics demo for the chance at a plugin? going to submit mine so i can work up the other version and maybe,doubtful, i will get me a physics card lol.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 16:24
I've been looking around but I can't find what commands are missing from the trial, does anyone have a link or is there some .txt file buried in the installation I havn't found yet?

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 19:52
I liked it better when we didn't have to buy the Alienware computer to enter the compo.

Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 20:41
agreed jimmy, but at least theres the promo offer going on... in the states at least

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 21:56
they give you the trial version for free for the purchase is necessary

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Teh Go0rfmeister
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2006 23:49
thing is the trial version has commands that dont work because of the fact its a trial. imo its unfair. a level playing field is where everyone has the same access to the same commands, and reducing the ammount of available commands limits the ammount of physx you can show off, which is the task of the competition.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 00:11
If you entered a car race but had no car, you'd be grateful for any car that someobody lent you.

Joe Cooning
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 01:26
Apparently making up your own physics to make up for what not provided is out of the question... but seriously, look at it as an actual challenge of your skills. It may be a slight disadvantage, but isn't this all for fun anyways?

game maker #05
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 04:07
hey yo ppl its me again i still havent found out where to register my spot in the compotition... i dont know if u guys aint tellin me because you dont want much of a challenge but be aware im not that great at programming......
Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 10:30
game maker #05, you're in the competition when you submit your game.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 13:23
Quote: "can't do squat with the trial anyway. the most fundamental commands i needed to use cant be used due to it being trial version."

Such as?

Quote: "Apparently making up your own physics to make up for what not provided is out of the question"

No, using your own physics system to REPLACE Dark Physics is out of the question.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 14:13
Hi Richard/All,

`Phy Attach Cloth To All Shapes` is at least one that does not work.

At home, I have to use the demo version, as I have no Internet access. At work it is the full version. I for one would like to know which commands are in (or working) each version.


P.S. even in the demo I lost most of this weekend to DBPro/DP
Peter H
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 15:33 Edited at: 4th Sep 2006 15:33
Yeah, and "phy ray cast all shapes" doesn't work for me (but it highlights and everything, it's in the raycasting example that is in that information pack available for download)

it would be nice to be able to use that command in the entry i'm planning, but i could possibly work around it.

just wondering if that is limited in the trial intentionally (which doesn't make sense if it's already time limited ) or if it's a bug unique to the trial.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 18:03
Was wondering about the competition.

Are we limited to use of DBPro and DP only or we can use other plug-ins such as Unity, Dark A.I. etc.? I understand other “physic” plug-in or code is not allowed but I was wondering what about other plug-ins that are not connected to physics.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 19:11
See the Competition FAQ (read my first post in this thread), it covers that and a lot more, when combined with the rules page too.

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Joe Cooning
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 19:12
@rich: I know, I wasx being sarcastic witht that statement. I was just saying to all those complaining about the trial version being limited that there is always the option to actually program for yourself what the physics pluging won't or can't do.

Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 19:14
@Peter_ -
I don't use DP raycasting. It's only raycasting to physics bodies, not the actual objects. More most applications that is totally useless. Sparky's DLL is so fast and great, it's perfect for this. I wouldn't use physics raycasting even if it worked correctly.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 20:08
Would using another collision system other than dark physic's be allowed?

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 20:49
A collision system isn't a physics system, so yes of course.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 21:51
Can you make something that isn't a "Game" just like a huge demo?
Or is gameplay a big issue?
like if I made something like a video but it was running in realtime?
Richard Davey
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Posted: 4th Sep 2006 22:00
Quote: "like if I made something like a video but it was running in realtime?"

We did think about this, but decided that it needs to be a game of some kind. Or at least 'interactive with a goal'. I.e. you could create one of those fantastic machines (with load of spinning bits, twirly cogs, gears, motion, etc) and the aim is to get the ball to the other end - so it's more a simulation than a 'game', but you couldn't just make a real time video I'm afraid.

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