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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / documentation's looking for

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Joined: 1st Oct 2004
Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 14:57
I apologize for the noobiest question of the last 5 years, but:
Where can I read the complete list of commands of DP?
Instead of press F1 over a command that I already know?
All the commands are "in"?
Thanks in advance..

Lucka - gawteam coder -
The Nerd
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Joined: 5th Jun 2004
Location: Denmark
Posted: 2nd Sep 2006 15:01 Edited at: 2nd Sep 2006 15:02
From your main DarkBasic Pro folder navigate to "Projects" -> "Dark Physics" -> "Documentation" -> "Reference.chm"

The reference.chm will contain a complete list of DP commands and information on how you use them, of course.

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