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Dark GDK / DarkGDK Extras Project - Public SVN

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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 23:42
Hey guys,

I spent most of today learning about SVN and setting up my own SVN server. The job is now done and I would like to officially invite everyone to join the DarkGDK Extras project.

Some time ago I made a post about DarkGDK extensions, some I made and some I had ported from Cloggy's dll. I posted them all up, people said thankyou and then people started posting their own and improvments on the ones I had written. It was thinking about this today that made me setup this SVN server and see if we can't take that one step further

For those that have not encountered SVN before, its a collaborative code managment system that allows multiple people to all work on the same code base in unison and post their changes to the SVN without causing corruption, overwriting anyone elses code or any of that monkey, etc. It stores a revision history of every change made to the code base allowing you to revert back to an old state at any point and also allowing you to keep track of whats changed, who changed it and when they did it.

I have setup a simple SVN on my home (but permently online) server with the idea that people could submit any utility or helper functions they've ever written that someone else working with the DarkGDK might find usful at any point. Other people can then come along fixing any bugs and improving them in any ways that you may not of thought of as well as adding their own functions and source files to the mix.

Everyone can benefit and it could become an indespensiable source of code snippets and usful functions. Anything from a fast square root to a specialised model and animation handler or my port of Cloggy's fast text rendering system. Whatever ya like

The SVN can be found at:

as well as any notices and a small tutorial I wrote on how to use the basics of the system.

The SVN allows anonymous read-only access so you can obtain the sources without a password. You may also browse the Repository using the web interface I shoddily through together earlier (and intend to improve over time).

Anyone wishing to contribute to this public project, and I urge you all to consider it, should just email at with your desired user name and password and I will make an account for you.

If any mods can see this being usful, please consider making this a sticky I would like to try and make sure everyone finds out about this

Currently the SVN contains a basic set of functions - I will be adding my text port, extended image and extended primitive sources soon and others over time.

Being the best coder is not important here! Don't be worried about submitting "bad" code, as long as it does the job. People will improve it if they see obvious ways to do so and then EVERYONE benefits.

Please browse the repository and take a look at readme.txt and format instructions.txt before you begin.

I hope this takes off What do you guys think?

Have fun!

Miguel Melo
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Posted: 30th Oct 2006 23:56
This is a great idea, although people have to be careful not to break everyone's code with just a "well intended optimisation"! Even with source control, this may cause people to keep backtracking on versions to continue working...

I'll dig into my code and see if there's anything that I can pull out and donate. I'll email you then to ask for an account.

I have vague plans for World Domination
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Joined: 10th Oct 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 1st Nov 2006 00:59
I have made a few updates to the contents of the SVN, fixed a few bugs in my extras source file, added a dbSetLimbAlpha() command that DOES NOT WORK at the moment but i'll work on it (as anyone else is welcome to) and uploaded my ExtendedImage source file which is not commented but provides a selection of, should be fully working, commands to directly draw to a DarkGDK image - I use it for dynamic texture generation on the fly You can make new images without loading them using dbMakeImage() incidently.

Also nearly finished a php script to allow people to sign themselfs up to the SVN so they wont have to wait for me to receive email If it gets abused it will go down again however.

I will always accept suggestions for improvments or different software etc - maybe some of you like TRAC or whatever, im open to all suggestions

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