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Dark GDK / DGDK.NET Iro2 Map Editor

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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 1st Nov 2006 23:59
Was gonna keep this project under wraps for a little while longer until a bit more was done in the actual engine, but with the release of suddenly coming out of no where I thought a few people might like to see this.

I was fortunate enough to be one of the beta testers for the product and was testing it with C# - for me, I love c++ for engines and I don't think anything will replace that. Alot of people love c# and .net as languages alone and thus will enjoy creating full games with the .NET extension, but for people like me there is still ample reason for getting involved with .net - a c-like RAD DGDK compatiable development enviroment. In a word: Tools.

This is the map editor for a sequel to Iro (my puzzle game comp) i have been working on for some time now:

sorry about the large screen size of the image, it was a full screen shot The editor supports all the usual trimmings plus a flash and easy to user interface and a compiler i'm quite proud of (more on that later) and I have to say it wouldnt be half of what it was if it wasnt for the RAD abilities of C#!

The engine for Iro2 is still in pure unmanaged c++ however For me, I now have a winning combination for the creation of tools and powerful engines. viva la dgdk and tgc!

Miguel Melo
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 00:21
This is looking increadibly promising. I remember Iro from when I was thinking about getting the GDK or not: it was quite cool... reminded me of spindizzy.

Anyway, Iro2 is going to be a cool project indeed. And this editor looks to be the dog's err... rocks.

I have vague plans for World Domination
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 01:51
Thanks Iro2 will be a fair bit different from Iro1 - especially in terms of graphical niceness! The project started out as an attempt to "finish" Iro1, fix those horriable bugs and what not. But in the time since I wrote Iro1 i've learned alot (and learned alot writing iro1 alone) and I was looking at the source in, quite frankly, nothing short of disgust xD

Alot of Iro1's engine was so horriable that I decided so much would need nothing short of replacing that I may as well write a full sequel from scratch which would allow me to do many nicer things with the game by design from the start.

Things are much faster now. It uses newton for collision and alot of the extra speed is thanks to the compiler i've written in C# for the level editor. As Iro maps are made, mainly, by placing primitives like cubes side by side there were alot of wasted triangles like where two cubes touched and the touching faces would not be visable. In Iro1 they were left in and further more the world was litrally just a ton of seperate primitives. My compiler for Iro2 exports one single, solid dbo but most importantly it first parses the model looking for redundent polygons that would never be seen and removing them completly. Its lowering the polycounts for levels by half or more I'm really quite proud of it!

Much more flexiable entity system too, nothing is hard coded, you define inis in plain text ini files which both the editor and the engine can parse. Everything is in quite a simple format so its easy to parse and you can infact use the editor for whatever task you wish. One of my friends has already laid claim to it for his game xD

Anyway i'm ranting.. back to the grind stone! I will probably post new information about the project here if anything worth noting happens

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