Hello everyone,
I made a recompiled version of my entry (the original-entry was some kind of major-bug-release)! (Also an other excuse for me is that this is/was my first game ever made with DB-Pro!)
It was optimized to run in a screen-resolution of 1280x1024, but it will use your desktop-resolution and you might see "blue bars" at the side of the arena, this is just the background so please irnore it! (With the original resolution you don't have the "blue bars"!)
Screenshots (that's what everyone was waiting for, right?
Shows how it looks like on startup (with enabled Parallax-Mapping):
Shows how it looks when the "Force-Field-Effect" is enabled:
Shows the Dark-Physics interaction of the particles:
How to download:
1. ! IMPORTANT !: Disable any Download-Manager or say NO, if it asks you to download the file (it will ask after you clicked on the link!)!!!
2. Click on the link below
3. Click on the "Free"-Button in the lower right part of the browser
4. Wait for untill the counter (big number changing slowly in the middle of the browser-window) reaches "0.0"
5. Select a server from the list
6. Enter the number from the picture into the textbox
7. Click the "Download"-Button right from the textbox
8. Click "Save" in the upcoming dialog
9. Select the place where you want to save the file and click "Save"
10. Unpack and have fun!
Fell free to put a comment here, if you find something like a bug or anything else that could improve the game! (As far as it can be improved, cause it's still a simple (stupid?) game!)
I would welcome everyone willing to test it in Hardware-Mode, cause I have actually no PhysX-Card (I hope to get one in the future) and give me some feedback, IF it worked at all!
Try it out, maybe it performs better on your machine! (Also try disableing the 'Parallax'-Mapping-Effect, it helps a lot when starting the game with a lot of objects!)
Feedback (for Version 1.2):
Argoon (Forum-Name):
Told me that it worked in Hw-Mode, BUT only behave playable with a "box-size" of 20 (first question you get asked on startup)!
Tests he dad run on his system:
4+Y+Y+Y+C+Hardware= crash ( Body::setActive:limit of 4000 active bodies reached! Body activation is denied.
5+Y+Y+Y+C+Hardware= crash (generic windows error (progame hade a error and needs to shutdown...)).
10+Y+Y+Y+C+Hardware= Run (bad performance(slow smoke and flag) the ball don´t move)
15+Y+Y+Y+C+Hardware= Run ( visualy the smoke is more fast but the ball still don´t move)
20+Y+Y+Y+C+Hardware= Run
Version 1.3 (27.02.2007):
Some improvements to make the game more fun!
- The "Min-Ball-Speed" can be entered at game-startup! (You no longer have to use the "slow" ball of '25'; instead you can start with a higher speed like '200'!)
- Also the "Max-Ball-Speed" can be entred at startup! (Ball never gets faster than this value!)
- The screen-resolution, color-depth is allways the same as the Desktop-Resolution!
- A "score-multiplier" is introduced, to make it easier getting higher scores! (Every completed level you get one additional multiplier, also every 1000 points you loose them, if you miss a ball!)
- The different bar with angled-sides can now be un-/loaded by pressing 'b'-key without any delays (now loading precomputed mesh)!
- Some remaining text-messages were updated to D3D-Text-Commands, instead of the Standard-DP-Pro-Text-Commands!
- Fixed a big bug with the HighScore-System!
Version 1.2 (14.11.2006):
Workaround for people with a PhysX-Card to run it in Hardware-Mode!
- standard-bar is now loaded as DEFAULT-bar! The different bar with angled-sides can be un-/loaded by pressing 'b'-key, it offers better ball-handling, but currious ball-behaviour-possibility might be higher AND probably crashes the game for the people with a PhysX-Card enabled!!!
Version 1.1 (06.11.2006):
Imroved release (for "Dark-Physics-Competition 2006", "Software"-Mode, Recompiled Version for TGC)
Contest-participants with the demo had to recompile it for TGC (after Contest!)!
- Bar-Ball-Tunneling-Protection added, now the ball shouldn't get through the bar anymore!
- High-Score is now aviable! It gets saved to a file called "highScore.txt" inside the game directory!
- Game continues if all boxes are destroyed, new boxes will be generated, this happens as long as the player has lifes left! This also increases the game-level!
- After the destruction of all boxes the player get an additional life!
- The ball-speed increases with every new level! (Right now 5 additional "speed-points" up to max-speed of 60!)!
- Force-Field-Effect can be activated during game-startup! (For graphiccards with 'Pixel-Shader-2.0-Support' the transparent forcefields get replaced with some "water-looking"-effect!
- New sounds for all kind of Gravity-Effects!
- no separate media-files anymore, only one EXE, MANUAL and highScore-file ('highScore.txt' is created after first finished game!)!
- (much) better Performance (up to 50%) cause of the use of D3D-Text-Commands! (For those who use DB-Pro: use D3D-Text-Commands where ever possible!)
- bar-movement improved, shouldn't get stuck (lag) anymore!
- bar-size increased (from (x,y,z): 8,6,1 to 12,9,3), hitting the ball should be easier now!
- bar changes color to light-red, if ball is in front of it!
- optional: ball-particle-trail, can be turned on/off by pressing "n"-key!
- optional: different bar with angled-sides can be un-/loaded by pressing "b"-key, better ball-handling, but currious ball-behaviour-possibility might be higher!
- optional: camera-view can be changed to bar-position for better
ball-position-judgement, but looks a bit ugly!
- informations are now disabled by default (can be enabled again with "i"-key)
- Time for following Gravitiy-Effects have been set from 10 sec. to 15 sec.: Ball-Gravity, Blackhole-Gravity, Anti-Blackhole-Gravity
- Shadow-Effects have been removed, cause they were of no use when changing object-colors (too buggy)!
Version 1.0 (15.10.2006):
Initial release (for "Dark-Physics-Competition 2006", "Software"-Mode)