Edited: I decided I won't need any more help as I'm unable to finish my game. I don't have the time.
Though, if you still worked on a model, I'll still do some coding when I have the time. Sorry, and thanks for all of you who helped me.
(This is just here so I can remember if I ever asked again)
Is anyone out there willing to help me out? I have a model all finished, and boned, and rigged. The only step left is to animate it. The only problem is, I'm not that good at animating it. So, I was wondering if anyone is willing to animate this model (and more, when I get to it). If interested, here is the model in Milkshape 3d format, and in .x format. I would REALLY appreciate it if some one would help, though I know that asking people to do stuff for others, is sometimes frowned upon (especially if you're a noob, which I'm not). Anyways, this is for my Nvidia Compo Game, so I'd have to be able to use it in it. Anyway, if anyone is willing to help, here are some animations I could really use:
Small/slow walking
Standing/Waiting (Fight stance)
Blocking (such as putting arms in front of his head or something)
2 types of attacks, (If you've ever seen Dragonball Z you'll see exactly what I'm looking for)
then a hit (where you get hit from an attack).
Again, this game is sort of like Dragonball Z [href=http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=Dragonball+z&btnG=Search+Images]http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=Dragonball+z&btnG=Search+Images[/href]
So, you don't have to, but it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks everyone. :)
Link to my entry:
Edit: Forgot models 8-#
Edit2: I'm also more than willing to help you with something, if you help me. Be it, a website, a small APP, or Game Code.
Take heed, never take advantage of the things you need, never let your self be overcome by greed. Walk a strigh line, pick up your speed and try. Everyone deserves a piece of the pie By: Shaggy