It depends entirely on at what point your programs are exiting.
Try this:
Set Display Mode 800,600,16
Sync On: Sync Rate 0
Print "Click A Mouse Button To Exit"
Until MouseClick() > 0
If when you run it, the program exits when you click a mouse button then your problem is code-related rather than there being a problem with DB itself.
We can help you better if you post the section of code you are experiencing problems with. (Don't post the whole program - just the bit that's not working).
You mention 'Execute', but don't make it clear whether or not you are talking about the Execute command that's causing the problem.
Oh yes - and please read all the stickies at the top of each forum before posting. It annoys people if they spend time helping you only to find that you have a different version of DB and they just wasted their time...