we finished the first official managed iteration. We hope to have a video in the next one or two weeks.
Since we want to be more serious about this we will have stimated finish dates for the next iteration. And we will show its scope here.
The next iteration development (Second iteration) should be done as follows (Maybe something can change in activties or end date):
Expected End Date. 04/04/2010.It's is very Far but it's real, we will try to accelarate more the things as faster as we can.
In progress
Not started
Main Engine:
- Path finding with map accelaration.
- Air Units.
- Patrol behaviour.
- Stack of orders.
- Fog of war.
- Minimap workout.
- Building behaviour.
- HUD Codification.
- Futher improvement in selection system with Teams Aggregation.
- Improvement on design on selection, cursor image and displacement of screen image.
- Implementation of Sounds.
- Integration of FX into the main Engine.
- Futher optimization for faster gaming experience for Slow PC's.
- Shader implementation for objects targeting different HW levels.
- Web Interaction for the above items.
- Implementation of Enchanced animations to characters.
"For us the improvement is not that much thanks to Shaders we have implemented in game."
- Implementation of timer based movement to characters.
- Rally Points for structures
- Old web coding enhancement
Characters and units:
- Human Imperial Caza.
- Human war Mech.
- Human Transport.
- Geyser Tank.
- Space Blitz.
- Human Command Center.
- Bist Mist Generator (Keep in secret).
- Facility (To increase unit production limit).
- Human SpacePort.
- Icons Design.
Level Editor:
- Improvment on system used for level editing.
- Construction of map acelaration and integration with the main Engine.
- Improvement on Level Design Tool integrating it with windows.
- Improvement of various level effects
[- water
[- raining
[- snow
- 3D tile set system and windows, for level editor.
- 3D tile set construction on levels.
- Design of various levels with all its objects.
[- Forest.
[- Plains.
[- Snow.
- Minimap automatic construction based on tileset and level layout.
- Explotions.
- Propulsion.
- Gas Function.
- Basic Sounds
- Explosion.
- laser.
- gun shots.
- Recollection sound.
- Unit production sound.
- Some Voices.
Object Viewer to 100%. (Internal tool for RTS development Many subsections not shown)