Thanks deathhead, I have a feeling this'll be between el zicho and jon this time though
Redid the hands to be proper hands, added muscle definition to the arms, added some pollies in the chest to give him more girth / made his man-boobs bigger, added some muscle definition on the back, and cleaned up any n-gons I could find.
Poly count: 2020 (un-reduced, and no, I dont use sub-div smoothing)
I also did a quick animation rig and it worked great without any envelope tweaking on the bones, so I imagine once I do get the tweaking done and improve the mesh it'll work pretty good for posing.
I know the legs look weirdly chunky in places and not posed right, but thats because of the way gorilla's have their back legs. The knees are almost bent backwards. I modelled it like that so that when it comes time for rigging I can bend them properly.
- RUC'