Quote: "In the next revision, might I suggest that you add the point that Jingle Fett made concerning using the "FPS Creator X10 Files\texturebank" folder as the location for your _D, _N and _S files"
I could but have been using the _D, _N and _S textures in the same folder for segments and entities without issue. Personally I've moved away from using meshbank and texturebank folders where possible.
Quote: "hey i am a total noob at this, could some one help me installing the plugin, i have the files, i just dont know what to do with them lol"
Are you refering to the nvidia plugin for Photoshop or normal map plugin for Gimp?
Quote: "In the totorial i have to look in secion 6 for channel options but i can' t find it. Would you please explain?"
Sorry, I changed the bullet formatting and forgot to update that reference. Have a look at sections e) g) and i) for more information on channels. I'll update the tutorial and re upload shortly.
Quote: "When I add a character into x10 the character shows up invisible. The texture is linked correctly, but I did make a folder for custom characters. I don't know if the new folder will affect anyting."
When importing custom characters there are 2 main things to remember 1)FPSC X10 requires you to use a single texture for dynamic entities and 2) your texture must be in .dds format as FPSC X10 won't convert other formats for you. In the characters .fpe ensure you have the following in visual info
textured = nameoftexture_D.dds
I create a single folder for each custom character and place all associated files in it.
Remember to locate 'Documents/FPSC X10 Files/binfiles' and delete the .bin and .dbo for your character before re trying with .dds if they appeared invisible first time around otherwise they will always be invisible even after you've made changes.
Quote: "Nomad Soul I sent you an email."
Hiya. I've just replied to your email and posted in your thread.