Quote: "prove what? that i acully know how to modle,i dont go to you and say, proff,lol, im so funny im going to start a fight with death head,giggle, giggle. like a little teanager. first prove you made your stuff then ill show a steap by steap illastrashion on excacly on how i make all my stuff. first i load a photo in anim8tor, side by side. from left to front, then i box modle it. from moving the vertices around to mach the photo. if you dont have anything nice to say, leave.
I'm not starting off a fight. I just wanted proof. Because its a good model. And to use a better modelling program like Milkshape to export it is weird. So I just wanted to see the model in Anim8tor.
Quote: "im so funny im going to start a fight with death head,giggle, giggle. like a little teanager."
If that was a little insult, saying that I'm a little teenager then thats rich coming from a person who writes like 5 year old.