You ban people because you don't like them.
You ban people because their opinions differ from yours.
You ban people because they criticize.
That's what I like, no, let me rephrase, LOVE about
this forum. If you have some constructive critique to hand out, which some people sometimes do, you don't get banned. You might get a noob-slap or temporary ban if you're balancing on or going over the limit to being harsh, but that's all.
So some of us have a tendency and/or reputation to be honest and straight to the point with newcomers and those less experienced. What's the point to being hostile against us? We're not of evil nature, in fact, I'd say at least 70% of us mean well with what we say, even though it can be judged as unfair and harsh.
But I guess the simple requirements that hide beneath our rough nature doesn't appeal to so many anymore. Sorry about the babbling, I've had a few beers.
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