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FPSC Classic Scripts / Script Challenges

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Posted: 28th Aug 2008 19:27
Well, since no one else is attempting this --

My submission:

Use this script for all regular lights-

In all enemy Ai scripts, where ever there is a check for "plrcanbeseen", use the following check as well-

(Remember that the global variable must be set before checking for the value)

Apply the following script to an inanimate indestructable object-

Now, make sure you have a decal on the floor of your jail cell that is named "JailCellMark", and you must also have a HUD loaded that is all black named "Black".

That should work. Lemme know if you see any revisions that need to be made as I'm not at my FPSC comp and can't say for certain if everything's spelled right.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2008 23:03
Same here

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Posted: 29th Aug 2008 20:06
I dunno ply, how do you exactly get sent to the jail? I see the plrhealthless script, but what if one experiences falling damage? also, my challenge says if the enemy sees the player, how yours appears to work isit sees you, shoots you, and then it moves you when you get hit, also, another thought, your light script sets the variable to 1 while it is on, but what if it is on and the player is not in the light? just some thoughts to help refine the script, but I will confirm it for now.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2008 02:23
Hah! you're right. Revising now. I'll make it so the player won't need to take damage to get sent to jail.

Light Script:

Enemy AI check where "plrcanbeseen" is checked for, use the following condition and actions on that line as well:

In that AI also remember that when the player shoots them, have it set the global var 74 to 1, to send the player to jail.

Indestructable object script (Always Active):

Now, global var 73 determines if the player is in ANY light... because all the lights will increment their variable by 1 if the player is within it, meaning no matter how many lights the player is within, if he's in at least 1 of them the variable will be grater than 0.

When the engine loops through all of the scripts, once it gets to the jail handling object, it will reset that value in case the player exits the light.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2008 16:38
Double Confirm, commence challenging

on another note, I did this by placing a triggerzone wherever there was darkness, and if you were in it, it set a variable to 1, and 0 if you were out of it, then the ai checked for that variable when it saw you, and if it was 0 then the black hud appeared and it moved you to a triggerzone called jail, which was placed in the jail

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Posted: 30th Aug 2008 23:18
Plystire's Challenge

For this challenge, I am going to leave it as vague as can be.

Using any and all means necessary, design, script, and implement a conveyor belt!

Since this will require not only scripting but entity usage and palcement, too... I will require a video of the working conveyor belt, either attached to your post or uploaded to a video hosting site.

You may begin!

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Posted: 31st Aug 2008 17:12
Oh Billy! I wouldnt touch this with a 39 and 1/2 ft pole, because of the belt, or lack there of... if I dont have said belt, can I still try, just with the floor?

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Posted: 1st Sep 2008 07:53
Use any entity/segment you want to, as long as it acts like a conveyor belt.

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Posted: 1st Sep 2008 17:37
can we assume that coffeegrunts entitywithinzone= command works also?

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2008 00:47
You may use any Mod, and any commands previously "assumed" to be real.

... Just to make it a tad easier, I suppose.

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2008 04:06
well I just figured that would make it a little less buggier, but we havent used that previously so, I'll have to work with what I have at hand

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2008 00:22
Hmm... Does it have to be that any entity placed on the conveyor belt goes forward with it, or just the entity designed to do so?

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2008 05:27
Any entity.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2008 04:01
Arg, I hate fpi, I've used Flatlander' fpi editpad, and used his highlight keywords function, nothing comes out wrong, but it NEVER WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! HULK MAD! [/caps lock]

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Posted: 6th Sep 2008 08:07
Usually when that happens, it's not your syntax that's wrong but the logic of your script.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 03:33
just like the light that only works in certain rooms? :p

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 05:30
Well, if everyone is having too much trouble on this one, I can change it.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 06:37
I could figure it out, I just need a hint, [bambieeyes]pretty please?

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 10:17
Well, if you're using Ply's Mod already, then you're definitally sitting in a better position than others.

Bleh, I'll just change the challenge... this one if a bit too complicated, even to give a hint for

New Challenge

(You'll laugh at this one )

Assuming you had to design a scripting system specifically for weapons and the scripting language was the same as FPI, what 5 new weapon specific scripting commands would you implement to give the most power to the user?

I want your commands in the following formats -

Name of Condition(=X (Y))
Detailed description, depicting when the condition will be TRUE and when it will be false

Name of Action(=X)
Detailed description, depicting what the action will do, in full. If necessary, describe the importance of the X parameter.

In only 5 COMMANDS, try to give the user as much power as possible. The commands can be all conditions or all actions or any combination of the two.

I will come back frequently to view any entries and "Confirm" the one that I believe to provide the most power.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 11:17 Edited at: 7th Sep 2008 11:18



Checks to see if the current entity is being targeted by the player, useful for making it do some evasive manouveurs.


Returns true if the players ammo is at the specified point, could be used for enemies to check if you're reloading, or to start a erload sequence


If X=1, then the weapon will run through te reload animation specified in the GunSpec.txt file, use the appropriate sound effect for the animation. It will then set the ammo integer to either A) It's full amount, if the reserve ammo is greater than or equal to the mag capacity, or B) The players reserve ammo if the players current ammo is less than or equal to the mag capacity.


If X equals 1, then the weapon will run through it's firing animation, and use the appropriate sounds, and visual effects. It will then decrease the ammo integer by 1.


Sets the rate at which the weapon fires to the specified amount. 25 is slow, 50 is medium, 75 is rapid, and 100 gives you a confetti maker.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 18:56 Edited at: 8th Sep 2008 05:53
Interesting, very interesting

try these commands on for size


Is true when weapon is fired constantly and x=1, Is false when the weapon is not fired constantly and x=0


use to have the equipped weapon destroy itself, preferably explode

Set the weapons rate of fire to x

Drops the weapon that is in slot x

x=1 weapon stops firing and is jammed, x=0 weapon is fine and continues to fire

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Posted: 7th Sep 2008 22:06 Edited at: 7th Sep 2008 22:09
Ugh, this is gonna take a while, I was almost done before, but i accidentally went back a page

ill have more than 5

weaploc x y z
Set the location coordinated

weaprot x y z
Set weapon rotation values

Set the weapon range

Create a projectile at the BRASS bone

projectile x y z
Creates a projectile at the set coordinates

View a camera which is placed at the end of the gun

flash x y z
Shows muzzleflash at set coordinates

gunlighton x y z
Turns on a light on the gun at the set coordinates

Do "x" damage to a target in the accuracy and range areas

set weapon accuracy

set angle of fire

set number of bullets released to value of "x"

That'll do it from me for now, I wanted to give you plenty of ideas ply, oh, you should give control over variables gun health and gun ammo too, just a thought $gh $ga

-edit- yes I realize this doesn't meet the requirements, but I wanted to give you something to think about

-edit again- oh yeas... [/bambieeyes]

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Posted: 8th Sep 2008 00:45
Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure you got the idea here, meteorite. This would be good IF the scripter had to do everything, but in the FPI world, they don't. Lots of things are done for them. Like... firing of the weapon (brass, smoke, muzzleflash, entity damage) would be done in a single command. You can already create weapons that release brass from more than one position, as well as smoke and muzzleflashes. This is why the "dual-wield" guns they had before Ply's Mod worked the way they did.

Also, the weapon FPI will be executed in conjunction with the original FPI language, so any commands you have with the FPI language you'll have for the weapons (minus a few that just wouldn't work out well with weapons).

I'm also looking for commands that will give the scripter the most POWER per command. Meaning they can use the command for more than a single desired outcome. Things like turning a flashlight on or viewing a gun cam really only have a single desired outcome.

And, remember that these scripts are only going to be run when the gun is being used by the player, not while it is on the floor as an entity.

This is designed to make you think more like a scripter than it is to be beneficial to me. Try to narrow down your desired commands to commands that can be used and reused for multiple purposes. It's okay not to list the obvious command: "fireweapon".

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Posted: 8th Sep 2008 01:15
true, but they are still things people want to see (meaning flashlight secifically, and I personally like the guncam Idea), and creating currently fake commands rather than employing them in scripts to practice will not help me develop my scripting capabilities much.

I realized you could have 2 different brass spots, but I didn't know you could use them seperately. I actually haven't even tried to teach myself to model yet, I still need to learn these things. I suppose I'm too attached to the incompatible Autodesk inventor.

And what if a gun doesn't have 2 different brass spots also? Still a useful thought, and some of these things are meant for multiple weapon modes, such as setting various ranges and damages, or even having single fire be more accurate than full auto or burst.

If one decides to script for a weapon, I would prefer to have to do everything. This would help me jump into the world of weapon scripting, and I see more weapon possibilities.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2008 05:26
Okay, then how about considering some conditions?

Here's one for you to munch on:

I'll let you imagine the meaning behind it and it's usefulness.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2008 13:25
ok then
is true when the weapon has ammo in the clip and x=1, or if the clip is empty and x=0.

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 04:12
Yes and no... It can be used for much more with different values of X.

Anyone else have their list?

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 05:28
Arg, I thought of a good condition earlier, but I forgot darn. *snaps fingers*

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 05:59 Edited at: 9th Sep 2008 06:38
Okay, here goes. I wanna think up the best ideas possible, so I'll go little by little and add stuff until I have 5.



Shoots the player's gun.


Sets the gunspec field x to the value y of gamecore\guns\z gun.



Gives the player the gun in the gamecore\guns\x path with y number of clips.




Is 1 when the player has the gun in the gamecore\guns\y path.


Properties 'n Stuff (Like $PH)

Quote: "$TG

Represents the path of the current gun of the player


EDIT: Well, I got 5 good ones.

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 22:10

I'm not sure you understand the concept of scripted weapons.

Basically, in your gun's folder, there will be a script that will be executed when the player is using that gun.

The script for a normal gun would probably be something like the following:

There... notice how most of the in-depth stuff is to be done for you? Such as animating, displaying muzzle flash and smoke, spawning bulletshells, reloading the clip, animating to/from zoom (Both would be handled by the "attemptzoom" command), hurting enemies, etc.

Now... changing the challenge to 3 commands, and you're not allowed to use the ones I made up for this example. (Or anything that does what they're supposed to do)

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Posted: 9th Sep 2008 22:31 Edited at: 10th Sep 2008 06:01
@ Ply:
Reading your challenge again, I realize that you mean scripting commands for scriptable weapons, not exactly script commands having to do with weapons...

I'll try again.


Quote: "

Returns 1 when gun is firing."

Quote: "

Returns 1 when gun is alternate firing."



Sets the gunspec field x to the value y of the current gun."

I kept the setgunspecvlaue command, because we could use that to simulate some kind of weapon breakdown over time, such as the gun doing less damage the more it is fired.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2008 05:47 Edited at: 10th Sep 2008 06:26
Sounds good... *EDITTED*

I'm hoping meteorite and other people will come up with some good ones.

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Posted: 10th Sep 2008 06:00
D'oh! Copy and paste is not always your friend.

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Posted: 11th Sep 2008 22:10


X equals the entity name, set to 0 to affect all entities. Y represents velocity, set to 0 to create instantaneous movement towards the vector.....

Basically, it checks the point of raycasy intersection, and creates a velocity pulling in dynamic entities, it could be used to create a Gravity Gun effect, or simply use it to pull a dynamic light to the vector for a flashlight....

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Posted: 12th Sep 2008 03:52
very clever coffeegrunt

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Posted: 12th Sep 2008 04:27
Very clever, indeed! Perhaps could be split into multiple actions to be made ever more dynamic!

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Posted: 12th Sep 2008 19:50

CALCULATERAYCAST to find the vector......

....and make it automatically set a variable $RP to it's position....


XX can equal an entity name, or when using the $RP, the last vector hit by a weapon.....


The velocity of weapon rounds or pull velocity of it's gravity, 0 indicating an instanteous pull, and other values represent bullet time, (units per second).....

That's all I can think of breaking it down to for now.....

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 03:28
Nice. They all form a nice singular function, but can possibly be used for other applications (tho those possible apps elude me at this point, lol)

I'll announce the "winner" on Monday. Keep em coming.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 04:14
Hmm... I gotta think of some better ones. CG's are so... creative.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 06:53

I would also consider your "isaltfiring" condition to be pretty much the same as your "isfiring" condition. I mean... you can't be in both at the same time, so the gun is either firing or it isn't. Not much point in checking more than one.

Perhaps some other conditions that can allow for checking multiple scenarios of the gun's condition?

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 06:57
So the script runs the frame that the weapon is fired, not every frame? I guess that'd make for better performance. Didn't consider that, though.

Still, I think I'm going to get rid of both of those, not just the isaltfiring, but the isfiring because your mouseclick condition would pretty much do the same, as long as the fire button weren't somehow changed.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 11:44

I'm fresh out of ideas for more stuff, but I'll be back soon if I think of any..

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Posted: 13th Sep 2008 22:29

Well, the weapon can still be in the MIDDLE of firing while the player has released the mouse button. This would be an instance where checking for if the gun "isready" would be a good thing. I also think an "isready" condition could be used to make sure you don't try to execute anything on the gun while it's taking a nice long reload.

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Posted: 14th Sep 2008 07:47
@ Ply:
Wait, it takes multiple frames for the gun to fire? So it even counts as firing when the sounds or animations are still playing, but it's done doing the bullet raycase?

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Posted: 14th Sep 2008 22:00
Yes and No

Automatic weapons don't always wait for the sound and animation to finish, but non-automatic weapons usually do.

It's setup in the gunspec of how long it takes for the gun to be "ready" before it can fire again.

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Posted: 15th Sep 2008 06:10 Edited at: 15th Sep 2008 06:29
Hmm... Well, I got an idea that's probably going to be something that's not going to happen. Still, I'll tell it...

Why not make the weapon's script run every frame, and have a gundrop action that drops the gun that the player is holding x units in front of the player. This'll allow for a system where only, say two weapons can be held at one time, like this:

Gun Script

Pickup Script


Drops the gun X units in front of the player."

The rest of the script stuff would be taken care of for us, like firing and reloading.

But I've still got more.

An action that vertically moves the player's gun. This also uses a new suppressfire action, and your property condition thing that returns what entity it being looked at.


Prevents the player from firing his gun."


Moves the gun up X units (How large should units be?)."

Quote: "$GP

GunPointed: Returns the first entity the player's gun is pointed at."

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Posted: 15th Sep 2008 16:56
very clever xyzz

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Posted: 15th Sep 2008 17:01

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Posted: 16th Sep 2008 05:25
Very clever indeed.

This is definitally hard to judge because I can think of mix and match scenarios where each condition and action proposed would suit different situations.

[15 minute pause]


[/15 minute pause]

Okay, after long deliberation, I have decided that...

xyzz1233 is the winner!!!

The use of dropping a gun is definitally important in an FPS, but can be used to force a weapon out of the player's hands for multiple reasons. Also, the use of suppressing the player's fire and dynamically moving the gun on screen (even only on the Y axis) also prove to be quite dynamic.

Second place goes to coffeegrunt! Raycasting is a very useful thing to have with weaponry (beyond a doubt), however, he limited it's usefulness with the other two commands. If he had come up with a better way to manipulate and apply the raycasting procedure, he would definitally have won.

Thank you, guys, for giving me some ideas to work with!

Xyzz, the ball is in your court. Commence challenging!

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Posted: 16th Sep 2008 06:04
@ Ply:

Okay, lemme think of one. I'll have one in the morning.

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