First Company Veteran,
My specs are better than yours and it doesn't work for me.Some of the issues are supercomputer related (we don't have one but then my pc is set to make games for x10 and most don't have that technology either...the future doesn't wait on us...) and some are engine related.Bond's zombie is indeed a work of art but you can kiss your framrate goodbye...due to engine issues which Lee or one of your uber mod makers is addressing.
When they iron out the remaining kinks in the FPSC engine this will run for more people.
If not...look on the bright a year or five you'll have to buy a new pc to keep up that will run it (if it's not a laptop).
I do think this is a great project and when I get my pc out of the stone age I am going to try it on some hardware that will run it or burn my place never know.
A little factoid.I noticed people were wondering why I never use this smiley...
I do very rarely but the reason I don't usually is because I smoked tobacco for over 20 years and one day someone or something knocked the good sense into me to quit.
I haven't smoked in years so now I cough like the rest of you when someone lights up...
Failing at every guitar game ever made!