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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Knights of Errant - EAI goes Medieval (56k warning)

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 08:08
Quote: "That game's not old, is it? But then again I play Duke Nukem 3D and Doom like they're brand new "

If it runs at the top graphics on my machine, then I consider it old.

Errant AI
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 09:05 Edited at: 29th Sep 2008 09:22
I'd still be playing Oblivion if my save didn't go byebye when my C drive failed last December. If only because it takes me forever to do story progression in good, free-form sandbox games. I think I played on-off for about 4 months and only closed two gates LOL.

I gravely miss my character, Fey. Spent about 6 hours getting her face right so it looked pleasing in all the game-driven expression poses.

Here's her in her about-town getup. All iron (or something) plate chest and hands, brotherhood hood, chain mail pants and leather boots. She was mostly a thief abut I pit all my attribute points into speed, endurance and strength so I needed to weigh her down with heavy armor to slow the movement speed so I wasn't always knocking stuff off tables and such when moving around.

Another in all brotherhood stuff. I used robes most of the time in combat because no cost to repair.

WARNING image is sort of graphic (don't remember what the game rating was) A Mod can delete if need be.


Thanks, Cosmic Prophet, Violent Pigeon and Alucard94 ]

Now, I need to know which character(s) potential buyers would most like to be able to hold a medieval shield. They don't really do anything special due to lack of anims but they look cool as standing guards either as friendlies or to block access to areas (as long as the player is not well armed). If the character's FPI is set to sparks, it looks really cool as long as the AI is scripted to face the character. I'm primarily using weapontype=4 pose (minigun) to have the right hand with the shield however, in doing this I can also make the illusion that they are holding a weapon in the left hand but obviously, it won't animate or anything special (it works best with a shield gun combo actually but that's for the other thread ). Right now, I'm thinking Bond's crusader is the best choice but want to hear all opinions. I only ask because all character sets are a little different in how the vweap goes in their hands and I am sort of anal about having decent positioning registration between character and VWEAP.

edit: Off Topic: Matuka, what is that pic from? CS2 or something (an artistic render perhaps)? It looks extra sexy somehow. I hardly recognise it as my AK74M except that you've mirrored it to maybe hide some missing mesh and it's always bothered me I didn't add an extra few polies to make the mag curve smoother.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 10:00
I still play Oblivion on my 360...a timeless game to be sure.....

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 11:11 Edited at: 29th Sep 2008 11:41
Quote: "I still play Oblivion on my 360...a timeless game to be sure.....

Yep, same here. I bought the PC version even when I already had the 360 version, just so I could use mods and the console.

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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 15:16
Quote: "edit: Off Topic: Matuka, what is that pic from? CS2 or something (an artistic render perhaps)? It looks extra sexy somehow. I hardly recognise it as my AK74M except that you've mirrored it to maybe hide some missing mesh and it's always bothered me I didn't add an extra few polies to make the mag curve smoother. "

Its from 3dsmax, I did some rendering stuff...
Such as skylight, falloff, and lighttracing.
I basicly followed this tutorial.
and then set it up against the wall(box in this case because one problem with planes is that with the mp10/9 imports they seem to go black, no matter how many lights you place.)

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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 16:49
Quote: "If it runs at the top graphics on my machine, then I consider it old."

If I used that philosophy with my computer virtually every game except Crysis would be old, and I exclude Crysis only because I'm not sure 15 fps counts as running

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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 18:28
Quote: "WARNING image is sort of graphic (don't remember what the game rating was) A Mod can delete if need be.

Oh thats not graphic at all. But the game is a 15, but that is because of some words of profanity.

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fallen one
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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 21:31
One small crit, the thumb has a plate from the wrist to the bend in the thumbs knuckle, it is riveted to a strap on the wrist, and one presumes a strap at the inside of the thumb, this would make it impossible to touch the thumb tip with the tips of the fingers, or is the plate not attached to the thumb but only the wrist. Not that it matters that much, games most of the time have armour that would not articulate in real life and would prevent movement, those that have had hands on experience with ancient arms and armour are bit pedantic like over these things, not that it matters that much for a video game. I think this pack is the product I have been most interested in seeing released, will it work for DX10?

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Posted: 29th Sep 2008 23:55
I killed too many guys in Oblivion, the towns are like all empty of non-essential characters.

Btw, the stuff looks great Errant.
Errant AI
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 16:43
fallen one, there's no thumb strap. I made the leather bit sort of thick and textured to seem a little like two layers stitched together for rigidity. Half-aced attempt to explain why it doesn't flop around, I suppose. I took some artistic liberty with the design. Fair enough as I tend to point out similar flaws when artists take similar liberties with genres I'm keen to). More or less, it's mixed between a couple different designs I found. I removed some of the finger protection so that I'd have more options concerning animations where some dexterity is required or I want to show the fingers. It'll work with X10... Just as soon as Lee fixes X10 Really though, I have no clue.

Thanks, Inspire
Personally, I enjoyed inciting them kill each other (gotta love making your own spells). But same result of empty towns... Gogo load saved game.

Nice job, Matuka. If it's not much hassle, can you email me any cool renders you happen to make of MP9/10 stuff like that? You can watermark render and composition by you if you like. I just never seem to find the time to craft proper beauty shots of anything.


I have no idea how craptastic it looks because it's still processing but in the uploaded WMV it was easy to tell what's going on. I used the purple gloved battlemage-ish texture set to help improve contrast. I used a slightly out of date alpha of Ply's Mod so you'll see some hiccups when changing weapons while using asymmetric dual wield or if I tried to weapon switch or block while moving. I believe he has those things fixed now. This shows every weapon class from the OP except the two-hander because I'm redoing the animation to include some half-swording techniques (grabbing the blade when thrusting, or using the hand guard like a hammer) which I learned a little about while researching. Never seen that sort of thing in a game before so I thought it would be interesting to try.

There's also something neat the 2nd half which you guys might get a kick out of. Some Butterfingers inspired hackery just to get people thinking. I need to email rick to see if I can redistribute some of the assets though as they include some modified TGC material which I don't have the time or knack to recreate.

Oh, it's done processing now! Yay for slow typing LOL
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 16:53
Very nice fire. That's awesome. Any chance of an ice variation?

The entire video was incredible. Great textures, great animations, great design. Great work, Errant.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 17:28
Thanks, Gunn4r

I can't really say. As such, it's all a big hack job. I've asked both Ply and Airslide if they think it's plausible to make the engine do the needed overrides for the effect but I have no clue. Simply put, if you have two or three different decals for ice forming it's possible but that's not to say you can freeze people in their tracks because the AI would have no idea what weapon you're using though I think one of the Airmod additions in particular leaves a backdoor for this. Once I get some minor art-side bugs worked out with them, the spell-casting hands are going on GCS for maybe 50 points because the setup requires much more familiarity with FPSC than is the norm and frankly, unless using an AirMod enhanced mod, it will be pretty pathetic due to the reliance on double the stock rate of fire as well as the blood splatter code. However, I'll include a couple different animation gestures so that developers can experiment with creating their own spells though if being totally strict you're offensively limited to raycast and flak. Same as any other weapon. I will make a tutorial explaining what exactly I did when it's released.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 18:42

=Owow... then animations... there beautiful... I also love how the head camrea shake's...and the magic weapons... they too are beautiful...
You sir, are epic... =O I cannont WOW anymore...=O you left me gobsmacked at what you can do...

I feel like a small little blemish now...

"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-'Butterfingers'
Lightning Bolt Studios
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 18:59
Great work on this so far Errant AI, I also like the fire ,the thing that would really set that off would be a extra animation added into the stock FPSC bip having the character run around patting himself or rolling on the ground tiring to put the fire out lol, the duel handed melee is very nice as well.
Keep up the great work
Errant AI
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 19:19
Thanks Chupa cabra. They kind of do that already if I set the weapon to be knock down force... They drop to the ground, flop around a bunch, crouch for a bit, swim in the air for a moment, dance the jig side-to-side and waver their arms around Bug or feature? You decide

Matuka, they still need a bit of animation cleanup but yeah, I'm happy so far but I'm looping this video on my laptop to study what I need to tweak. One thing to note is that this video does not sow alternate animations when dualling as that was not yet hooked up in the 1.07 alpha I used.

Ah.. sort of related. Right now I just have the spells an infinite ammo. I intend to add a reload animation of some sort but can't really think of anything other than to drink a potion or something (imaginative, I know). Anyone have suggestions?
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 21:12
If you ask me, I'd make the hand burning while idle and make the flame disappear and "be recreated" as reload animation. Not sure if it's possible in FPSC...

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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 21:55 Edited at: 30th Sep 2008 21:56
Quote: "Anyone have suggestions?"

Well, may sound odd, but what about a
(old wooden beer cup.), to hit enemies with?
I can actualy imagine it now, our here(player.) is in a old bar, he's a little drunk but doesnt mean he can fight, then some random bandits come in and well... he clobber's them over the head with the tankard.
infact, what about to versions, one with beer in, the other version, empty. the one filled with beer could aslo have a spill animation when he fire's. like clips from a rifle. it just throws out.

"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-'Butterfingers'
Errant AI
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 22:06
Not odd at all

From the OP...

Quote: "There are a few more weapons planned such as a viking axe, heavy-duty tankard, spiked fist, medieval hand gonne, arquebus and a couple of other things which will be added on later (I plan to bounce back and fourth between modern and fantasy to help avoid burn-out). "

I used to have a rogue in WoW and many times thought of respec'ing when I found out about the mugs and tankards LOL

I meant suggestions for the spell reload but it's all good. I see you signed up at my old forum. Check the private board sometime when you get a chance.
Disturbing 13
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 22:25 Edited at: 30th Sep 2008 22:26
OMG man that vid rocked. I'm still wondering why this method of melee hasn't been introduced into the mainstream FPSC program because that vid and your models surely sells it. Wow I'm speachless really.
Errant AI
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 22:44
It's only reaching maturity now (I have yet to see all things fully working as intended). Plus lack of media to exploit it but maybe soon this can become mainstream. It's all about Ply's Dual wield being combined with Airslide's everything else. both mods have something to make melee more interesting but together it's freakin' unbelievable. It's seriously exponential, IMO. I've been getting very little sleep the last week because it's pure muse to a freak of my nature LOL
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Posted: 30th Sep 2008 22:59
Errant this stuff is just great and the fire awesome, you def gone up a step with this and using ply mod just makes this even more great.

Nice work I def be getting this pack when its out.

Best s4real

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Posted: 1st Oct 2008 00:07
I love these.

Video was great, too. This is really going to get a buy from me.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2008 00:29
It shall be a buy from me too.

@Errant, sent you an email.

Gunn3r Games
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Posted: 1st Oct 2008 15:48
Thanks guys. I have the mod updates I need now (I think), so it should only be 2-3 days before I can start uploading.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2008 18:23
fire ball was by far the best awsome

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2008 02:06
Sir, you know I've always been a fan of your work, but this just blows my previous expectations out of the water. Can't wait for the release.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2008 17:31
Nice! Holy cow that was total pandemonium when you started going nuts with that fireball. That crusader had the wrath of God brought upon him!

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Posted: 4th Oct 2008 03:12
Errant, you are by far one of the best guys to have behind the scenes helping me get these things tested and brought to maturity. I definitely loved the vid! I recall seeing the fire spell and saying out loud "OMFG, I had no idea you could do that!!"

I do intend to implement a way to make that sort of action possible without cheap hacks But first I'd like to get rid of any graphical anomalies that occur using the system and make it as smooth playing as possible. I'd like to talk to you about any that you have encountered and still encounter in the latest release of the Mod.

The one and only,

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Errant AI
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Posted: 4th Oct 2008 09:28 Edited at: 4th Oct 2008 09:30
Glad people like the vid. As always, I'm a bit behind schedule. I'll need to work with Ply a bit more before I can have things shippable but there have been some advances.

There's a new video in my other thread showing the blocking working much better now and you can block with a shield while using your other weapon. You can also limit the defense cone through gunspec.

Upon reviewing the video countless times, I have tweaked the unarmed punching so it looks like the fists reach further out when throwing a punch. I've also finished up the entities for the different sets of gauntlets. Unfortunately, I think one of the versions won't be suitable for GCS due to some gore on it. I've also locked down animations for the stand-alone shield and will include a few different vweaps to work with different character bipeds. If you find you don't have the right fit, you can import the .x and tweak positioning to your liking with little difficulty and a bit of trial and error. Right now, I'm working on the animations for the two-handed sword.

Lastly, Lee has given me permission to modify/redistribute the stock decals and if Ply can pull it off, I'll be able to offer the flame spell and consider others such as what Gunn3r was asking about. This will also mean inspitation to finally make a proper flamethrower for FPSC!
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Posted: 4th Oct 2008 18:26
This stuff looks excellent, good work! If I may ask a question (related to modeling/texturing), could you please tell me a good way to make metallic objects look scratchy? I'm really a noob in modeling/texturing, I use GIMP and Anim8or. Keep up the good work!


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Posted: 4th Oct 2008 19:57
Quote: "could you please tell me a good way to make metallic objects look scratchy?"

Use a 1px brush and create some scratches, lower the opacity, then create a duplicate layer, zoom in and pull it downards by 1pixel, the invert the colour, now change the opacity to suit.
thats one way that I do it.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2008 22:12
Thanks! (Sorry for hijacking your thread, Errant AI)


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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 03:35
got any more?

in the name of epic video games, I post this
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 05:52
Quote: "and if Ply can pull it off"

I'm insulted, Errant!

Of course I can pull it off.... in fact, you already have a test harness waiting in your inbox.

I must say... I'm glad you decided to help out, because now I get lots of toys to play with!

The one and only,

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Errant AI
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 15:21 Edited at: 5th Oct 2008 15:27
Sorry Ply (Gee.. you could have been hit by a bus or won the lotto or some other thing causing you to abandon your mod and therefore not pulled it off ) I shall not doubt thee again!

Peoples, check out this awesome new video showing what Ply has been up to! He's been having waaay too much fun
No hackery here, this will be possible with Ply's Mod!

So, let me know what kind of spells you'd like to see!

On a side note, I've finished 2-handed sword anims and have a new version of the Ply's mod for testing so hopefully the first set will be finished quite soon.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 15:39
I'm starting to like Ply's mod more and more. Before I wasn't too sure about it, dual-wielding any weapons, meh. Dual-wielding mini guns? Goodbye realism, lol. But I guess it's all configurable anyways.
Now I really like it. Especially the Final Fantasy-reference in the video you linked, Errant.

Errant AI
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 15:51 Edited at: 5th Oct 2008 15:55
Quote: "But I guess it's all configurable anyways."

That's the beauty of it! It only takes commenting out one line in gunspec to make a weapon unable to dual wield. I'm right there with you on the meh points but remember that Ply's Mod 1.07 includes AirMod 0.6 so you can have added realism as well. Not to mention all the scripting variables and such. Now, if only Lee would release fresher source with the performance improvements and headshots (though I have to admit it makes my life easier not needing to delete bins/dbos all the time while working on weapons and I'm not a big fan of the way headshots were implimented).
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 16:13
Errant with the fire script you should make a flamethrower(many people would love that) and also good work.

"Your greatest teacher is your harshest critic"-Butterfingers
Errant AI
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Posted: 5th Oct 2008 16:20
Deathead, it will happen, sure enough. (I need a clone )
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Posted: 7th Oct 2008 04:48

Or a super soaker!!


I have been playing with it even more... and if you notice in the video how Firaga and Blizzaga kinda..... don't sweep across the area very well. I fixed that in the engine. I upped the cap of active decals from 100 to 499. And now I can dual-wield both of them and they still sweep very smoothly around. Well..... once you get over the fact that the framerate took a dive since you're now attempting to run over 100 ray casts a second as well as having 200+ decals on screen.

Surprisingly, it's not as big of a drop as I thought it would have been.... Using both of those simulatneously, the framerate went no lower than 19 for me.

Also, while I was playing around with decals, I went ahead and took the liberty of fixing flak decals.

Keep going with this, mate. You're doing fantastic and I'd sure love to have a great basis to work from for any fantasy games I wanna make.

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Posted: 7th Oct 2008 18:11
Quote: "@Deathead:

Or a super soaker!!

Oh yeah! Good thinking Ply. If Decals could be affected by weapons having a Fire-extinguisher would be cool.

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Posted: 9th Oct 2008 00:16
I saw the vid. awsome work ply.
now, if only we could get other spells to work, like masive ice shards pinning guys to the wall. ...hint, hint?

in the name of epic video games, I post this
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Posted: 10th Oct 2008 04:09
Quote: "I saw the vid. awsome work ply.
now, if only we could get other spells to work, like masive ice shards pinning guys to the wall. ...hint, hint?"

I smell a challenge!

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Posted: 10th Oct 2008 10:00
@some kid:

Well... if we had a 3D "decal", it would be possible.

Just make the spell a flak weapon... make it use ice shard flak models, and the 3d decal would also be an ice shard... over-ride the decal used for nonchar and char entities as that decal... then make it so the flak has a force of 0... and remove the "3D explosion" of the flak. Then the flak wouldn't explode, it would only harm the guy you shot, he would have ice shards sticking out of him.... and to "pin him to the wall" you could simply have a check in his script to see if he's been shot and if he has, check what weapon the player used to shoot him... if the player was using the ice shard spell, have him move backwards and freeze him there for a moment.

Of course... this is all just speculation!

The one and only,

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Errant AI
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Posted: 10th Oct 2008 10:42 Edited at: 10th Oct 2008 12:59
Quote: "and remove the "3D explosion" of the flak. Then the flak wouldn't explode, it would only harm the guy you shot"

Why must you tease me with this kind of crazy-talk! Screw ice shards... that right there is the missing link for sniper rifles, arrows and ninja stars

Update: re-cutting final animation video now for series 1 weapons (fists, shield, dagger, sword, warhammer and bi-hander A/B/AF/BF versions). First one was a minute too long for youtube and it's too time consuming to make a video for each weapon separately. VWEAPS and pickup entities are complete. Everything has been thoroughly tested in Ply's Mod 1.07 beta. I will test in v1.12 soon and assembling marketing screenshots for GCS. Once those are all uploaded, I will retest and make final the SEF versions which include the shield. After that, final revisions for the spellcasting hands. Expect to see the series 1 weapons on GCS after the approval crew take their weekend leave.


New HQ YouTube vids:

Part 1 (normal hands)

Part 2 (armored hands)
fallen one
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Posted: 10th Oct 2008 15:59
You have the right hand swings coming right to left or over head, it would be better if also they had right hand swings left to right as well, same goes with the left had and the other direction.

On the longsword, you have a thrust, the character holds the lower quart of the blade above the guard and thrusts, you never do that with a sword, swords that you see with an extra hand placement above the guard are for using as a short lance if one loses ones main lance on horseback, the guard goes into the shoulder and you set the point forward. So him holding the lower quart of the blade looks very odd from a real world perspective. Would never work in real life either, timing and distance are used, thats why the European swords have straight blades, its for the thrust, shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so for timing, the thrust is best, but thats lost when you take your hand of the weapon to grab the lower part of the blade for no reason.

Errant AI
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Posted: 10th Oct 2008 17:16 Edited at: 10th Oct 2008 17:21
Hi Fallen One,
I appreciate the thoughtful crit. Your post isn't showing right now, so I will quote...

Quote: "You have the right hand swings coming right to left or over head, it would be better if also they had right hand swings left to right as well, same goes with the left had and the other direction."

It's possible to add a right-hand left-to-right swing but AirMod 0.6 only supports three attack animations. Right now, I'm using them for overhead, thrust and right-to-left lateral. That means I'd have to comment something out and it would be left to the user to choose three of four to their liking. If it's a must-have sort of thing, I can add it but I think it's the sort of attack that looks great directly after a right-to-left swing but a little awkward coming from the idle position. If this was an autofire weapon (like my old Katana) it would be easier to make look fluid but these are all semi-auto.

For right-hand animations I am severely limited and can not use lateral strikes of any kind because of the way asymmetric dual-wielding works. I have to keep all animations to one side of the screen or else they risk clipping through the weapon being held in the opposite hand.

Quote: "On the longsword, you have a thrust, the character holds the lower quart of the blade above the guard and thrusts, you never do that with a sword, swords that you see with an extra hand placement above the guard are for using as a short lance if one loses ones main lance on horseback, the guard goes into the shoulder and you set the point forward. So him holding the lower quart of the blade looks very odd from a real world perspective. Would never work in real life either, timing and distance are used, thats why the European swords have straight blades, its for the thrust, shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so for timing, the thrust is best, but thats lost when you take your hand of the weapon to grab the lower part of the blade for no reason."

I got the idea from reading snippets about half-swording and methods like this being used in unmounted combat as a means to increase a swords effectiveness vs. plate armor.

From a strictly gameplay perspective, the timing difference is minimal though yes it does take a split second longer:

slash = 12 frames from idle to impact
overhead = 17 frames from idle to impact
thrust = 19 frames from idle to impact

The two-handed sword is also a lot beefier looking than the regular sword. I think of it (from a glameplay perspective) as a heavy/finesse weapon and not a quick hack n' slash weapon (the regular sword averages 10-11 frames from idle to impact but does less damage and does not have the knock-down effect, by default) and personally don't think it should be usable with a shield but have included the needed animations to leave that final decision to the designer, should they want things sort of over-the-top and the weapon capable of dual wielding. That said, if the game designer doesn't like it, they can comment out the animation and not worry about it.
fallen one
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Posted: 11th Oct 2008 09:11 Edited at: 11th Oct 2008 12:10
Quote: "Hi Fallen One,
I appreciate the thoughtful crit. Your post isn't showing right now, so I will quote..."

I was noob slapped untill the 10th, but its still not working, Ill give it to tonight and then if its not working Ill make enquires, I know what the game is, if its not working.

Quote: "I got the idea from reading snippets about half-swording and methods like this being used in unmounted combat as a means to increase a swords effectiveness vs. plate armor."

Ahh yes I know what you mean, thats for close in fighting, and you hold it half way up the blade, its for leveraging in between plates, its also for when you are in very very close, Ill find you some clips of it in action and you will see what it really is.

go to 1 min plus for half swording.

The Real Gladiatores, historical technique.

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Posted: 11th Oct 2008 23:38
The new vids are awesome, Errant, as always!

I, too, have a bit of things to say about the claymore... errr... two-handed sword. I don't see these types of weapons being used as a piercing weapon. When you go to stab someone, you want to catch them off-guard, so it's usually very fast, which requires a lighter weight weapon to accomplish...... or ginormous barbarian arms.

I do, however, enjoy the fact that it IS completely optional for the developer to use the animation or not.

Another point I would like to make with all of your stabbing animations is that the wrist movement looks rather funny... almost as if the joints were dislodged or something. Being a fencer, I find this very awkward to look at especially from first person perspective. I see that the fingers are still fully gripping the handle while thrusting/lunging, too. Since that is the case, you normally rotate your wrist inward 90 degrees (or almost 90 degrees) to maintain power over the blade and still be able to thrust without damaging your wrist. If you do not rotate your wrist inward, then your fingers TEND to curl backwards... [trying to find a pic for this cuz it's a bit difficult to explain] This type of thrust, though, shouldn't be used with heavier weapons because you lose a bit of strength on the handle by doing that. This may cause top heavy swords like claymores to fall forward onto the ground, unless you had a lot of momentum behind you or you're just plain very strong.

Okay... I'm done ranting! Just wanted to get that out there.

The weapons look awesome nonetheless.

The one and only,

Those who live in the past, are destined to insanity. Those who live only for the future, will be slaves to their ambitions.
Those who live in the moment... only they, are truly happy.
fallen one
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Posted: 12th Oct 2008 03:45 Edited at: 12th Oct 2008 11:04
Quote: "I, too, have a bit of things to say about the claymore... errr... two-handed sword. I don't see these types of weapons being used as a piercing weapon."

Then watch the films above in the youtube links and dont watch Hollywood films for examples of European martial skills and people weilding them like oversized cricket bats.

If you see this film.
You will see its similarities to modern day Olympic sport fencing. Like I said, what you see in films is not how one uses these weapons, as one does not learn fencing technique from swash buckling Errol Flyn movies, nor boxing technique from Rocky movies.

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