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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Knights of Errant - EAI goes Medieval (56k warning)

Errant AI
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Posted: 12th Oct 2008 12:50
Really excellent videos you've linked to!

Those will come in very handy though I wish I'd seen them a couple weeks ago :S

I'm beginning uploading after I finish this post, so it's too late for me to make major changes now but I have the option of updating later should ratings indicate customers are unhappy with the product.

Maybe later on I can convince Airslide or Ply to support multiple attack animations for alt-fire mode. That would allow me to have a single weapon with two stances(forms?) with three attacks each and each stance having their own range, damage and damagetype.

I'd love to play a game with the sort of intensity as in the videos but somehow I think that's a wee bit out of reach for FPSC as so many of the moves are conditional/counter-strikes and . For today, I'll have to be content in offering something with some extra variety, despite the flaws.

I do appreciate the direction and hope that people in the know will be willing to lend me guidance on future weapons in this genre. Case in point with the M249 I did. I turned to KeithC, the guy who lugged one around for years, to lend me some guidance on how I could make things more realistic while keeping within the bounds of what can be achieved with the product.

On a side note, I'm pretty psyched because last night I finally figured out exactly was going on with screwed up HUD weapon audio playback in FPSC and how to work around it while keeping compatibility with both the official versions and the mods. YAY
Ice Cube
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Posted: 12th Oct 2008 21:16 Edited at: 12th Oct 2008 21:20
Maaan, that's awesome! I haven't been around for a while and now I see I've missed a lot.
Keep up the fantastic work!

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Posted: 12th Oct 2008 23:56 Edited at: 13th Oct 2008 00:15
@fallen one:

I don't know where you got the idea that I got that from watching movies, nor do I know why you believe it prudent to say that even if it were true. Your insinuations are insulting and I suggest you choose your words more carefully next time. I find it awfully amusing that you tell me with no information to go on that I shouldn't be watching Hollywood films to base my answers on when you are simply using YouTube movies to base yours.

For starters.. Fencing is NOT something for FPSC. Fencing could become a game in itself, and I highly doubt anyone would be able to do it right. You cannot parry in FPSC, which is the largest part of fencing. I was making a note of the thrusting attacks he had in place and stated my opinion. But, I see now that I could have used a bit better terminology than "piercing weapon". The animation for thrusting looked more to me like a lunge, and hence where I am coming from. Also, I have fenced with a Long Sword, and I have already made the mistake of attempting to extend my reach by using a single arm for it and have already hurt my wrist doing so. However, I did find out what I have already explained to Errant, that you can prevent hurting your wrist by rotating it inward.

Now please... let's stop while we're ahead here. Errant has already begun prepping them for the store, so there's no need to continue.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2008 00:39
These look great.
fallen one
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Posted: 13th Oct 2008 01:18 Edited at: 13th Oct 2008 02:05
Quote: "You cannot parry in FPSC, which is the largest part of fencing."

You could parry if you coded it in, and timing and distance is the largest part of fencing.

Quote: "Also, I have fenced with a Long Sword, and I have already made the mistake of attempting to extend my reach by using a single arm for it"

A longsword is exactly that, a two handed longsword, you dont hold something that size in one hand.

Quote: "I see that the fingers are still fully gripping the handle while thrusting/lunging, too"

Olympic sport fencing is a sport, you cant apply the same rules to weapons used in war or duels, in Olympic sport fencing its all the fingers and the sword weighs a few ounces, you cant do that with historical weapons, they have weight so they have to come from the shoulder and arms, not the wrist and fingers, also you hold them in the hand, not manipulate them loosely with the fingers as in Olympic sport fencing, your trying to knock chunks out of mail and flesh, you grip the thing tightly period.

Errant AI
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Posted: 13th Oct 2008 18:23 Edited at: 13th Oct 2008 18:24
Thanks, Ice Cube and welcome back

Thanks, Jason25 and welcome to the forums


Gloves (default-medieval E02)
This is a revamped version of the unarmed fists from model packs 9/10. It's a high speed weapon that does little damage.
The autofire ability (of MP9/10) has been removed but there are now three attack animations as well as a block animation (for AirMod 0.6 spec. mods (except Ply's Mod), You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work) and animations for Ply's Mod dual wielding. Also included are four custom animations including a simple animation where the fists are knocked together and rock, paper and scissors animations. I'll leave it to the scripting gurus to figure out a use for those LOL
They use the new generic medieval glove skin but can use any of the model pack 9/10 textures. In a day or so, I will be releasing, in this thread, the rest of the glove E skins with the different arm hair and skin tone variations, as a free download

Gauntlets (default-grey) unarmed
Same animations as above but with the armor geometry. Same as above, it's a high speed weapon that does little damage (but a hair more than the plain fists and sometimes a couple good hits can stagger an enemy).
The underlying hand is the same and can use MP9/10 compatible skins. The armor has it's own texture for ease of modification. I will be adding a some alternate texture versions to the store in a few days but one of them (I call it the lich skin) is likely too gory for the new rules because it has some blood and finger bones showing(IMO, it's tame), so I will be posting that skin here as a free download as well

Shield 1A / Shield 1AF
This is the stand-alone shield. 1A is the normal version, 1AF uses the armored hands. This is a medium-high speed, low damage weapon which will knock enemies down.

In standard FPSC, this will work as a melee weapon. You can choose one of three attacks by editing the gunspec.txt.
In AirMod 0.6 spec. mods, this works as a melee weapon with randomized attack animations and is able to performed a timed block against AI running scripts with the plyrblocking condition.
HOWEVER for AirMod 0.6 spec. mods, You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work.
In Ply's Mod 1.07, it will work the same as with AirMod but you can hold block. You can also block any gun-shooting AI without special scripts. You can also adjust the blocking coverage. BY default is set to a 90 degree cone. When dual wielding, the shield can block only and is not able to attack. However, you can use with your other weapon while blocking. Currently, you do a certain click combo to attack while dual wielding but I don't know if Ply has moved that from the bug column to the feature column. You can see the method being used in the last videos I posted.

Dagger 1A / Dagger 1AF
This is a basic dagger. 1A is the normal version, 1AF uses the armored hands. This is a medium-high speed, low-medium damage weapon.
It has three attack animations, blocking animations and animations for compatibility with Ply's Mod 1.07 asymmetric dual-wielding. For AirMod 0.6 spec. mods (except Ply's Mod), You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work.

Sword 1A / Sword 1AF
Sword 1B / Sword 1BF
This is the basic sword. 1A is the normal version with plain texture, 1AF uses the armored hands and plain texture. 1B is the normal version with fancy texture, 1BF uses the armored hands and fancy texture. This is a medium speed, medium damage weapon with a chance to stagger the enemy.
It has three attack animations, blocking animations and animations for compatibility with Ply's Mod 1.07 asymmetric dual-wielding. For AirMod 0.6 spec. mods (except Ply's Mod), You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work.

Warhammer 1A / Warhammer 1AF
Warhammer 1B / Warhammer 1BF
This is the basic warhammer. 1A is the normal version with plain texture, 1AF uses the armored hands and plain texture. 1B is the normal version with fancy texture, 1BF uses the armored hands and fancy texture. This is a medium speed, medium damage weapon which will knock an enemy to the ground.
It has three attack animations, blocking animations and animations for compatibility with Ply's Mod 1.07 asymmetric dual-wielding. For AirMod 0.6 spec. mods (except Ply's Mod), You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work.

2-Hand Sword 1A / 2-Hand Sword 1AF
This is the basic claymore-style 2-hand sword. 1A is the normal version with plain texture, 1AF uses the armored hands and plain texture. This is a low speed, high damage weapon which will knock an enemy to the ground.
It has three attack animations, blocking animations and animations for compatability with Ply's Mod 1.07 asymmetric dual-wielding. For AirMod 0.6 spec. mods (except Ply's Mod), You must uncomment the blocking line in the gunspec for the blocking ability to work.
I made a "B" texture for this weapon but I don't like it. So, guess what? I will be posting that alternate texture, in this thread, for free, as well.

Sorry for the copy/paste-ish-ness of the the above!
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Posted: 13th Oct 2008 23:06
great job!

Quik, Quiker than most
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 01:52
Amazing... you never stop amazing me Errant.
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 06:10
@fallen one:

Timing and Distance mean naught without the ability to parry (or poor ability). Without proper timing and distance, your ability to parry can still keep you alive (Or at least, minimally harmed).

Not arguing anymore. The weapons are already finished.

@Errant AI:

The weapons are wonderful! You really are one of the best weapon modellers on these boards.

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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 06:57
Yeah man I agree, have tested out all of them, they all work perfectly! Thanks!

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 12:50
At the moment I'm not 'into' FPSC, (was recently my B-day and got UTIII) but I can tell that these are excellent already. Very well done.

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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 21:59
I <3 you soooooooooooooooooooooooX100,000,0000,000 much... >:3

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Frankie Pawnage5
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 22:16
Quote: "You really are one of the best weapon modellers on these boards."

err..sorry ply, gunna have to disagree with ya..
errant ai, is THE BEST weapon modeler on the board

dude if you really want a turkey sandwich, then make one, and make ham.sdaF?
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 22:17
Quote: "err..sorry ply, gunna have to disagree with ya..
errant ai, is THE BEST weapon modeler on the board"

You never know, there may be a in-active user, who is... the best...
You never know... never know... never know...
/smart ass-ism.

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Frankie Pawnage5
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Posted: 14th Oct 2008 22:24
i guess, haha

dude if you really want a turkey sandwich, then make one, and make ham.sdaF?
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Posted: 15th Oct 2008 00:30
err..sorry frankie, gunna have to agree with ya..



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Posted: 15th Oct 2008 23:24
Errant, Just bought Gauntlet Fists and Common Sword with Gauntlets and they're mighty impressive. I also bought the Harpy from Steve-Paul and I've noticed that neither gauntlets or sword do any damage to the harpy. Not sure if you want a word with him to see if that can be tweaked as I'd really like to use those together.

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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 00:28
What version of FPSC are you using? If you aren't using the latest, then you have to restart FPSC for weapon stats to take effect (such as damage or accuracy) after purchasing it on the GCS.

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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 00:37
Quote: "Errant, Just bought Gauntlet Fists and Common Sword with Gauntlets and they're mighty impressive. I also bought the Harpy from Steve-Paul and I've noticed that neither gauntlets or sword do any damage to the harpy. Not sure if you want a word with him to see if that can be tweaked as I'd really like to use those together.

My Dungeons & Dragons epic is underway "

Could you post a video of the harpie Nickydude?

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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 00:40 Edited at: 16th Oct 2008 00:46
hmmm neato!

unfortunately i have no money to buy these

well suppose i best start cranking out some good models to sell...

*edit* curious, how do you get that worn look on your textures?

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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 01:48
Quote: "What version of FPSC are you using?"

The latest (no mods) and I've restarted FPSC.

Quote: "Could you post a video of the harpie Nickydude?"

Attached (7mb). See how no damage is given to the harpie.


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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 08:04
I've had this problem, too, Nickydude, but in the exact opposite way.

I was tweaking some of the specs on Errant's gear and it was working fine with bond1's fantasy characters, but wouldn't do a THING to a stock media character!!!

If you find out what the problem is, be sure to let me know, please.

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Errant AI
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Posted: 16th Oct 2008 15:59
Quote: "Errant, Just bought Gauntlet Fists and Common Sword with Gauntlets and they're mighty impressive. I also bought the Harpy from Steve-Paul and I've noticed that neither gauntlets or sword do any damage to the harpy. Not sure if you want a word with him to see if that can be tweaked as I'd really like to use those together."

I noticed that near the end of the video you strike the wall and wood splinters come out. So, I'm assuming that you can hit other stuff with them, right?

I noticed that the harpie was taken down for about a day and then it came back again. So, I'm guessing changes might have been made. Did you get that character at release or within the last day?

Have you tried other weapons (pistol, shotgun, grenade)against the harpie? If you look in the harpie .FPE, is the scale a normal value (80-100) or has it been scaled up substantially? If only flak weapons can damage it, it is likely some sort of scale problem.

Due to those big wings, there might be some bounding box issues not allowing you to get close enough to hit.

I'm using fairly tight tolerances for the melee ranges with these weapons. By default, the Gauntlets are range=60 and the sword, range=80. A range=50 weapon can not reliably hit a skeleton of scale=90. With range=60, you need to be almost touching the AI collision boundry. If you can hurt the harpie with a normal raycast attack, you should be able to increase the range to score hits but that might make the range excessive for other uses. Also, please try setting the harpie AI to passive and see how close you can walk to the character and if you can hit the character from whatever that distance is.

I've tested quite a bit vs. the stock skeletons, MP1 SAS and Bond's crusader character. Primarily in v1.07 based mods but also in v1.12.

Quote: "I was tweaking some of the specs on Errant's gear and it was working fine with bond1's fantasy characters, but wouldn't do a THING to a stock media character!!!"

Let me know which stock character, their scale and AI as well as what you changed to the weapon.

Quote: "I <3 you soooooooooooooooooooooooX100,000,0000,000 much... >:3"


Quote: "*edit* curious, how do you get that worn look on your textures?"

I have some pattern fills I've developed from photos I took of where some ivy was killed via chemical on the side of my dad's house. I use those for adding basic grunge layers and use other techniques for other stuff.

Thanks to those who have purchased
Please let me know any other issues which pop up and I will do what I can, on my end, to address.
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Posted: 17th Oct 2008 20:30
Errant AI: I purchased all of these last night. Amazing work my friend. The animations are great, and they look incredible in-game.
After seeing these, you have motivated me, my next model pack will have to be a fantasy themed project to go with these fine weapons.

Awesome work!

And Thanks.
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Posted: 17th Oct 2008 21:21
Quote: "YAY!?"

Yay! :3
Quote: " I have some pattern fills I've developed from photos I took of where some ivy was killed via chemical on the side of my dad's house. I use those for adding basic grunge layers and use other techniques for other stuff.

sounds like a good place and also good technuiqe, I've never used patterns in photoshop to develop texture's, I mainly just "brush whore" my textures and use clouds on Low opacity/overlay-blending mode. xD

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Errant AI
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:30
Thanks, Cosmic Prophet! Can't wait to see what you come up with

Matuka, yeah, patternfills are great. I use them for many things I find myself doing over and over again. I was very anti-brush when they were introduced in PS4 and really never gave it a second look but I'm coming around now. I need to take the time to learn how to make good brushes because I'm sure it would save loads of time.
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:39
Cosmic Prophet, a 'Dungeons & Dragons' pack (segments, doors, objects, etc...) would be great as a D&D game is my next project.

Errant, is it possible for the player to start with your weapons / fists or do they have to pick them up (like I have now)?

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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:40
Quote: "I need to take the time to learn how to make good brushes because I'm sure it would save loads of time. "

They sure do save tons of times, especialy when you're a signature graphic artist type person, because one nifty feature is that you can set them to splatter, so they have a distance apart so you dont have to kinda re-click again and again, aswell as dynamics so some of the brush's can be smallen in the draw, its really odd to explain it however... >_>

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Errant AI
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:45 Edited at: 20th Oct 2008 20:46
Nickydude, You can assign them to the player start marker same as any other weapon.

Did you get things sorted with the harpie?

edit: sounds cool, Matuka. I'll give it a fresh look!
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:51
Odd, last time I looked at the player weapon list, they weren't there, now they are!

Quote: "Did you get things sorted with the harpie?"

No, I have yet to contact Steve.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:52
Well, seeming its hard to explain... >_> I found this tutorial that utilise's its abbility.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 20:57
Will you be doing any firing weapons Errant (especially with the gauntlets )?

Errant AI
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 21:01 Edited at: 20th Oct 2008 21:26
Sweet- thanks for that. I'm sure I'll become addicted to brushes for sub-1 pixel, hairline scratches. The method I'm using now is just too much of a chore.

Quote: "Will you be doing any firing weapons Errant (especially with the gauntlets )?"

A few. That's why I left the fingers unarmored for dexterity. I'd planned on doing a couple early,early firearms as well as the magic (raycast and flak) though magic isn't really a good option if you are using the official release. I could probably do a bow of somekind but I would work the game mechanic a bit different to how Bond does his. I also hope to do a Chinese repeating crossbow. I remember thinking they sounded cool when I saw them in the AD&D player's guide but only recently have come to understand how they work.

Let me know what you're looking for, Nickydude. And feel free to attach or email reference photos or descriptions. I want to be adding things to the set that people will actually use. So, input from people with fantasy games in development is critical right now.

edit#2 HUGE thankyou to whomever just bought one copy of every fantasy weapon
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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 21:36
They look awesome! Good work!

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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 22:57
A crossbow would be nice.

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Posted: 20th Oct 2008 23:23
A crossbow would be more then nice.
=O infact, you should do two types, the modern day type(for the modern day weapons you're developing.) and the "ye olde" type =D

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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 04:36
well if your taking that rout you should make a scifi laser cross bow to!

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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:01
Ok, I've cleaned this up, it was going seriously off topic, please don't let it happen again guys.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:04
Sorry about that...

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Errant AI
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:19
Yeah sorry... mention of those things from Jedi just take me there.

I did have a legit question in one of the deleted posts and I'll re-ask...

Nobody is bothered by the fact when you have a crossbow and are out of ammo, you still see the bolt and ready to fire weapon?

If not, it's do-able.
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:22 Edited at: 21st Oct 2008 20:23
Quote: "Nobody is bothered by the fact when you have a crossbow and are out of ammo, you still see the bolt and ready to fire weapon? "

Hey Errant, I got around this with both the crossbow and bows by using these gunspec settings. When you fire your last shot, the weapon is gone. File attached.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."


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Errant AI
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:36 Edited at: 21st Oct 2008 20:38
Bond, Has the bug been fixed with the discard animation being skipped on weaponisammo=1 weapons? Even if not, I suppose you're right and that would be the lesser of too annoyances.

edit: lol, I see you too are not a fan of the sound effects hardcoding!
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:39
I guess not, as soon as the last shot is fired, *poof* the weapon is gone before the reloading animation even plays. Sounds weirder on paper than in-game. It works pretty well.

"bond1 - You see this name, you think dirty."
Errant AI
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:47
Quote: "before the reloading animation even plays"

Ok, I couldn't remember when it happened. I'm assuming you have the reload as part of the end fire? I suppose I could just include a discard that starts in the same position of the endframe of start fire on the off chance it gets fixed later and bug Airslide about it too.
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Posted: 21st Oct 2008 20:53
Quote: "I'm assuming you have the reload as part of the end fire?"

Yep! And a side note too: this hack doesn't work in X10, not that I ever use X10 anymore anyway...

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2008 00:08 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2008 00:10
a DARK ELF kind of crossbow would be nice.

in the name of epic video games, I post this
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2008 00:09
Yes, he did, and a bloody good one, but I want one with gauntlet hands.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2008 22:15
I cant wait for these to be released...

By the way, Errant, I sent you an e-Mail about the Ply's Mod Showcase game thingy....

Errant AI
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Posted: 26th Oct 2008 17:19 Edited at: 26th Oct 2008 17:28
As promised, here are a few alternate textures for use with this set.

If you have purchased the 2-Hand sword with gauntlets, navigate to gamecoreguns and locate 2HSWORD1AF. Duplicate that directory and Rename the copy to 2HSWORD1BF and copy the zip contents inside. This does not include new FPEs for the weapon entity but you can assign to player start marker or give to an enemy.

If you have not purchased the sword, you can still use the alternate hand and/or armor textures with any of the other weapons with gauntlet hands by replacing files in gamecoreguns. If using official upgrade, remember to delete the .DBO file and , of course, back up the original files!.

What is included in the zip is are alternate textures for:
*Two handed sword (common with gauntlets)
This texture wasn't going in the direction I wanted so I am giving it out free.

*Lich hands and armor
For use with any of the gauntlet wearing weapons in this series.
I can't be bothered to put green blood for GCS lol
edit: there's also a couple parts on the hand where the chainmail gets stretchy. I'd forgotten that the texture was never totally polished. Truth is I stopped working on it when I heard of the gore ban. So, sorry if it's a bit sub-par.

Also pictured being held by the skelly is a "minion axe" that I am working on. I'll try to start something messing with a crossbow later this week.


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Posted: 26th Oct 2008 17:38
Dang! Those hands are freaky...

That sword has an awesome, gothic look to it.....

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