;GUN Model File Requirements
;GUN Settings
muzzleflash = 4
muzzlesize = 55
brass = 4
smoke = 4
damage = 100
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 1
reloadqty = 15
weaponisammo = 0
iterate = 0
accuracy = 2
zoommode = 0
range = 999999
;GUN Visuals
textured =
effect = effectbank\BumpCubeReflectAlpha\BumpCubeReflectAlpha.fx
transparency = 0
weapontype = 1
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.OGG
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = cock.wav
sound5 =
fireloop = 2000
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 4
vert = 0.75
forward = 15
alignx = 2
aligny = -1.0
alignz = 18.5
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 1,9
Idle = 10,38
Move = 39,61
Start fire = 63,64
end fire = 64,65
reload = 71,112
cock = 113,140
putaway = 142,150
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 3
sframe0 = 64,1
sframe1 = 73,2
sframe2 = 120,4
;AirMod Settings
recoily = 6
recoilyreturn = 100
recoilx = 5
recoilxreturn = 100
zoomrecoily = 4
zoomrecoilyreturn = 100
zoomrecoilx = 3
zoomrecoilxreturn = 100
gunlagspeed = 10
gunlagxmax = 100
gunlagymax = 100
zoomgunlagymax = 100
zoomgunlagxmax = 100
zoomgunlagspeed = 10
simplezoom = 1
simplezoommod = 3.4
simplezoomacc = 0.5
simplezoomx = -2.27
simplezoomy = 1
simplezoomspeed = 3
simplezoomanim = 0
simplezoomflash = 1
rotx =-2
roty =6.4
rotz =0
zoomalignx = 2.4
zoomaligny = -1.5
zoomalignz = 12
chamberedround = 1
noautoreload = 1
nofullreload = 1
runy = -1
runacc = 5
how about that silenced m9 ?
to get the weapon silenced ,just use the hud with silencer in your gamecore guns mp 10 m9 directory it's there has HUDwithsilencer.x (or something like that) rename it to HUD and backup the original one.
half of the gunspec were maded by me but i modified almost everything.
has you can see i'm using a ogg sound file for the fire sound, so be carefull.
mods for creating a inteligent game,at least