If you're still taking ideas, I have a few more
n indicates a user defined integer eg. 1, 5, 1384348 etc.
0/1 indicates a false/true statement.
path indicates a user defined path to the file/folder specified.
t indicates a user defined text/integer.
name indicates an entity's unique name.
weaponnew = 0/1 - Checks if the weapon was just picked up
currentweapontype =
n - Checks the type of the current weapon eg. 1 = Pistol, 2 = Machine Gun etc. (set in the gunspec file [weapontype =
customvargreater/lower/equal =
n - Checks if the variable specified (the first
n) is greater than, lower than or equal to the specified integer in the second
plrhasweapon =
path - Checks if the player is holding the weapon specified.
incrosshairview = 0/1 - Checks if the object's centre origin is viewed in the crosshair or centre view.
objinair = 0/1 - Checks if the physics enabled object is in the air.
weaponanimate =
n OR
n,n - Animate the weapon dependant on the anim number (eg. anim78) or the first integer to the second integer (eg. 56,82).
plrreloadweapon - Force the player to reload their weapon.
hideweapon - Force the player to hide their current weapon.
hideweapon =
t - Force the player to hide the specified
hideallweapons - Force the player to hide all weapons.
deleteweapon - Force the player to delete their current weapon.
deleteweapon =
t - Force the player to hide the specified weapon.
deleteallweapons - Force the player to delete all weapons.
addweapon =
path - Add the specified weapon to the player.
plrcrouch - Force the player to crouch.
plrturnto =
name - Force the player to turn to the entity specified.
plrlookdown/up =
n - Force the player to look up/down at
n rate.
weapondrop - Drop the current weapon onto the floor/object with physics using the entity specified in the gunspec (needs to be added eg. pickupent =
weaponchange =
n - Change the weapon to a different version (once again, in the gunspec file eg. new1 = gamecore\guns\EAI\G36CScoped)
I don't want to sound pushy here, but these would be great for my 'competition entry' if I get it done
. Thanks in advance anyway.
Btw, do the ironsights actually work?
"Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course...you're already dead on the inside." - John Kramer, SAW III