Quote: "Is this free for commercial use?"
As long as it's only a component / part of a game, and the launcher itself isn't sold, yes.
1.2.0 - Changelog
- ShowOutlines flag added to the Configuration file will outline any Check(), Image(), List(), Mouseover(), Movebox(), Rect() and Text()
- Flags added to the Configuration File that allow to disable the outlines for specific functions, if outlines are active
- The Actionlist construct now also supports singleline actionlists, thus Actionlist() is obsolete and redundant
ID [
ID [ Line ]
- "." operator added to the action interpreter, used to concatenate variables, that way there's no need for Var_Replace() anymore.
If you have 3 pictures with identical naming and want to show each one, one by one:
Repeat(3); Msg(Imagename_.$RepeatIndex.png) instead of Repeat(3); Var_Replace(File Imagename_{RepeatIndex}.png); Msg($File)
Var_Replace() will still be available but it's now obsolete and unneccesary.
- New internal variables have been added.
- Hide parameter for Check(), Image(), List() and Text()
- Deactivate parameter for Mouseover() and Rect()
- Interrupt parameter for Video(), to disable the interruption if Escape / Space / Enter is pressed
- Key() control to alter the keyboard layout
- SetVolume() to change the volume
- Keyname(), Scancode() and Input() mainly used to alter the key layout
- SetMouse() to move the mouse to any coordinate within the launcher window
- Music_Active() and Sound_Active() to control sounds and music
1 - Block all further playback
0 - Unblock all further playback
- Music_Playing() action, True if it's playing, False otherwise
- Sound_Playing() action, True if it's playing, False otherwise
- Sound_Stop() action to stop the currently playing sound
- ExecuteWait() action, executes the specified executable and waits until it's finished / closed
- Active(ID) returns the state of a control (Active(Rect); Deactivate(Rect); Else(); Activate(Rect))
- Visible(ID) returns the visibility of a control (Visible(Image); Hide(Image); Else(); Show(Image))
- Var_Delete(Variablename) to delete a variable from the variable table
- Var_Reset() to clear the variable table (all created variables will be lost, except for the internal ones)
- Loop() - Loop the actionlist until Break() is called
- Empty actionlist will now be reported and not declared
- Sections and actionlists won't be declared anymore if one of the same name exists already
- Execlist() / Call() calls to nonexistent actionlists will now be reported
- Compile Switch will only encrypt the data if it wasn't already
- When the layout file is being encrypted using the Compile Switch all comments and empty lines will be removed
- Empty lines won't be added to an actionlist anymore
- "&" in texts will now be shown instead of being used as an identifier and underlining the following character
- Unexistant files in Music() functions will now be reported
- If unsupported file extension specified in Music() / Sound() / Video() it will now be reported and not played
- If the "On Mouseout" parameter of Mouseover() is empty, it won't be translated into an execlist call anymore, which resulted in an error
- The Window() function now always centers the Launcher Window if X & Y Coordinates omitted, not only the first time it's called
- List() selectors (left / right arrow) now waits until the mousebutton was released, before switching through the values
- Check() now waits until the mousebutton was released, before checking or unchecking it
- Sound() renamed to Sound_Play()
- If the currently opened file doesn't has any value, File_Read() won't have any effect
- Text of List() will now be centered vertically
- "CenterAll" alignment option for Text(), to center the text horizontally and vertically
- Autoexec() and OnKeyX() won't get stuck in an infinite loop anymore when it's used on any section other than the first one
- Compile Switch fixed, corrupted the data previously
- List text won't be hidden anymore in some situations
The major addition is... customizable key layout!