@Virtual Nomad, thanks!
I knew about the water bug
FIXED but thanks anyway and for the object bug.
EDIT:"adding object with no existing terrain... choosing "make one?" = crash "enviroscope has stopped working"." -I Can't replicate this. Could you try to replicate the crash and let me know the exact steps to reproduce?
Quote: "do you have a "to-do" list"
Not a written down one but I guess it's time to start one...
Quote: " i'd like to see an "all supported media types"
Me too, I always prefer that. It's on the list!
Quote: "the ability to save to whatever (supported) filetype"
I assume you mean for the images? I'll add that to the list but of course it'll have to be "BMP", "DDS", "JPG" or "DIB".
Quote: "further, i'd like to be able to choose star colors. single color and random would be nice, that we can add in "layers". ie, first pass as medium density white, then maybe a light layer of blue, with a thin layer of white on top to add some variety and a little depth, perhaps."
Nice idea... on the list!
Quote: "also, will we be able to import sky/star maps and add to current wips? maybe make different versions of basically the same map for variety's sake maintaining a consistent base? that would be nice."
I've been thinking of adding this already as a "Add Skybox/Skysphere" option! Great minds think alike!!
Quote: "this is gonna save a lot of people a lotta time and grief. thanks for that!"
You're welcome!! Like I said it's a tool I wish was out there. I'm also thinking of doing a ".X" format option for the sphere/box output format.
Keep the ideas/bugs coming in guys!!
EDIT: just saw your post C0wbox...
The add terrain bug is another new one on me thanks!
Quote: "I kinda wanted them spread out all over the map"
Ahh, good bug. I haven't accounted for different image sizes on the terrain... added to list...
Quote: "It also doesn't texture the object I imported"
Currently it will only texture objects if they've been saved in the same folder as their texture... I guess some basic texturing support might be necessary!! Added...
As for positioning the objects you can currently only do that by height but if you have another way you'd like to add them in I'm open to suggestions...
Again, thanks for the input!!
PS.Any chance you could reduce your image size C0wbox?