Ok guys - I have gone through all of the suggestions in this thread so far and made them into a list so you can see which ones I've done, which are to be done and which are rejected. The person attributed with the idea was the first to post about it in this thread. If I missed your idea out its because it's not getting added at all or was a feature for the rest of the site, not Apollo.
Apollo 2004 Suggestions
Here we go!!!
1 - andrew11 - "How about showing us the last 50 posts viewed"
Done. You can view a history of all posts you've looked at for the past 90 days, I auto-expire them after that otherwise the database will get stupidly full. If you mark a thread as "interesting" it never expires.
2 - andrew11 - "Show a users on-line thing at the bottom"
Done. Enhanced to link to user profile. Formatting tidied up.
3 - RPGamer - "User post counts = user ratings" AKA Kudos
Postponed. The jury is still out on this one. Am investigating perhaps using a positive only kudos/mana system. Not sure yet.
4 - Raven - "Screen shot uploading"
Done. File size limit enforced.
5 - Raven - "Ability to use Milkshape3D OCX model viewer as a link type"
6 - BatVink - "Multiple forum search"
Done. And then some.
7 - Rob K - "Ability for users to delete posts they started"
Done - kind of. Users can REQUEST their thread deleted, Mods decide to whack it or not. I want this place to archive information, not wipe it.
8 - IanM - "Able to flag posts of interest"
Done. You have three different high-lighter colours available. Looks bloody cool if I say so myself
The whole thread is high-lighted on the thread index and there is a special filter option to only list high-lighted (called marked) threads.
9 - lagmasteruk - "Get emailed when someone replies to a thread if you want"
Done. You can subscribe to a thread even if you didn't post in it.
10 - Mouse - "Limited size on sig images"
Done! You'll see how when the new profile area goes up (with Apollo 2004). Basically I'm allowing people to upload their sig images. Makes for faster loading too.
11 - DMXtra - "Reply button in each post that auto-quotes the text"
12 - Raven - "Invisible users mode (not appear on online list)"
Still on to-do list.
13 - HZence - "Make it when you login you get taken back to where you were"
14 - the_winch - "Different icon next to threads I have posted in"
Still investigating fastest (sql) way to do this.
15 - The Coding Area - "Search for people"
Done. Filter: You can search for threads started by user and also threads where user was the last one to post in it. Advanced Search: Lets you find users + threads they posted in.
16 - Wik - "Select All on the source code boxes"
17 - Pincho - "Last 10 posts on the home page"
Done. But not on the home page, on all pages. Appears as a "Most Recent Threads" box.
18 - Pincho - "People on-line to be alphabetical"
19 - Pincho - "Not last page, have page numbers"
Done. Intelligent page numbering implemented. Works really well. Say the thread spans 40 pages, it'll show 1,2,3...38,39,40 (with each number a link). Works same on thread paging too.
20 - las6 - "Ability to filter out posts from specified users"
21 - las6 - "Show which forum has new posts in it on the index"
Done. Icon appears next to forum name. Works well.
22 - the_winch - "A profile button that shows the users codebase entries"
23 - RPGamer - "Edit the title of your post"
24 - JessTicular - "Jump to "last viewed" link on thread titles"
Done. It's actually "Jump to New" (same effect though). Takes you to the first un-read post in the thread since you last viewed it (assuming it was more than 90 days ago).
25 - empty - "Make the code snippets Firebird compatible"
Done (already live).
26 - HZence - "When browing a thread, button = "Post Reply", otherwise "Post New Thread""
Done, well spotted!
27 - RPGamer - "Need to edit announcements (for Mods)"
Done. Mods can now edit posts no matter what the status. Also you can now see the thread status when viewing it (i.e. it says at the top "Locked").
28 - Rob K - "Ability for Mods to edit any post + say on the post this somewhere"
29 - yellow - "Increase the this thread is too old limit from 30 days to 60"
Done. It's 60 days now.
30 - IanM - "Bug Reports board needs posts to not expire"
31 - Wik - "Only decolour posts you've not read, not all of them"
Done. This was a simple problem to fix and works flawlessly now (at least from what I've tested).
32 - Divide By Zero - "Change colour of text within posts"
To-Do, maybe. Un-decided if I want to do this or not.
33 - Easily Confused - "Limit the length of joined characters in a subject"
Done. I now use a subject spacing calculation.. i.e. if the total number of spaces in the subject isn't more than the total number of characters divided by 10 then it errors and you have to change it. Stops things like !!!!!!! (etc etc) breaking it.
34 - JSN - "Board spamming restriction (time out)"
Done via duplication check.
35 - Damokles - "Allow user to change forum their post is in"
Maybe, un-decided.
36 - Damokles - "Subjects with quotes in don't get displayed on index properly"
Done. Easy fix.
37 - Chris Knott - "You can steal forum name with space infron of it"
Fixed. Well spotted!
38 - Rob K - "200 character sig limit to exclude tags"
To-Do. Might not do this as will let you upload images, so URLs won't need to be so massive.
39 - Van B - "Game Theory board to be created"
40 - Wik - "View clock in 12 hour, not 24 hour"
Rejected because it means you need to add the AM/PM onto the end, which ruins the index list.
Ok those are all the things you lot suggested. Put those together with 109 other items on my list here and we have quite a big update coming. Notice the fact I now call it Apollo 2004 - that's for a good reason
I hope to get it out before my wedding, othewise it'll have to wait until I return (early Feb). But it's definitely coming.
With our species on the edge of extermination,
with no prospect but a horrible death,
we actually played games.