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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Putting my money where my mouth is - Speedier mod test

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 11:58 Edited at: 17th Nov 2010 09:10

Some of you might have noticed that I've been discussing possible speed increasing to the FPSC engine in the v118 beta thread. So as the title says, I thought I should have a go at seeing what I can achieve.

My main machine is currently out of action, so this mod has been written on a very old machine that isn't really capable of running FPSC well. This also means that is seems like a good testing bed.

The mod is based on the very latest source from google code and only features a few changes but on my test machine I'm seeing a 100% (yes) speed increase compared to the download beta 3. This test was carried out without shaders or lightmaps since most of this work is carried out by the graphics card anyway.

If anyone would care to test this for me and let me know what sort of results they are getting I'd appreciate it.

Many thanks.

UPDATE 17/11/2010 8am GMT

Latest update. A little more on the speed front.

Added FPSC IP 4.0 at the request of a user. Please note that this is likely to be my only update for multiplayer as this mod is really aimed at single player. Special thanks for knrxb for the use of the code.

Known bugs: Immobile object aren't being culled by the advanced cull system.

Bugs, comments, etc, please post on these forums.

Added version number at top right of screen for bug reports, this will be deleted when beta is over.

Added forced display of tiny objects within 150 distance. (wall switches, etc.)

Added new FPI:

Cullstate= x where

x=0, use full culling on object, this is the default
x=1, use standard FPSC culling on object
x=2, Always show if on screen, can be thought of as SHOWOBJECT
x=3, Always hide regardless of range, can be thought of as HIDEOBJECT
x=???? cull object at ??? distance, object within 150 automatically displayed regardless of this value, unless hidden by CULLSTATE=3

Note: This is currently NOT passed to the save system.
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 14:44

But I dont want to test it since I am to lazy to reinstall FPSC again if something happens
I haven't even got BETA 2 yet

But if this works I think you should talk to Lee and see if it could be merged with the official version

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 14:49
Quote: "But I dont want to test it since I am to lazy to reinstall FPSC again if something happens"

I can't imagine that you've have any major issues, especially if you back up your original FPSC-Game. As I said, this is very much still in Beta stages so if anyone has tested it it would be good to know the results.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 15:11
I could give it a try then
But do I need BETA 3 to get it working?

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 15:21
Quote: "But do I need BETA 3 to get it working?"

No, it's aleady included, simply replace your FPSC-Game with the one from the link in the first post. Better back up your FPSC-Game by renaming it for your own peace of mind.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 17:14

I just tested the mod first it's a little buggy as editor reported that my map was to large and would have to close !!! it is not...I took no notice and tested my game in editor with mod and there was a speed increase of around 10-15 fps.

Tested in FPS 1.18.003
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 17:44
I dont really know what this mod does. But I guess it "hides" everything outside the players view. Right?

I did got the error when crunning the map, but as long as i didnt press OK on it I could still run the game.

I placed 20 talking Aikos on a long way of the default segment with 5 lights.

When looking at them all at the same time gave me an FPS of 8 (extremly laggy), but when I looked away so I didnt see any of them I got ful FPS of 60.

So if this is the feature, I would say it works excellent!

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 18:01
@ Scene Commander

My wife and I saw your post this morning and thought we would lend a hand in testing for you. Since we have our WW2 game built here in individual levels, it was easy for us to pick a level to test. I picked a level that is a mine level, which spans over the entire grid and uses 6 layers total. We used the actual build for our test, not testing using the editor in FPSC.

During the test, FPS rates were in the 70's. One of the "treasure rooms" dropped to 37, then went right back up. Going down a lift was at 51 FPS, another couple rooms hit 37. The lowest was 32, which is where the player climbs up a ladder. I've attached 11 screenshots for you with the FPS rate captured for you to see in this post.

A few things to note regarding my build vs your EXE. Our game is built using RPG Mod. It takes about 1 minute ten seconds to load this level, and we average 45-56 FPS in the level. Your EXE took almost 2 minutes to load the level, which was no bother to me. A few spots we drop to 32 with our mod, which is where your EXE dropped to 37. Another thing we noticed was when we fire the MP40 using our mod, the weapon fires at a normal rate. Using your EXE it slows down quite a bit (almost like a 1.5 second delay between shots).

In case you need further information, the game buildsetup.ini is as follows:

System Specs we ran our test on:

Our lights are all static, using a gray light with a range of 300. No bloom or effects were used at all. Our ambience is set to 25 for this game.

Hopefully this helps you out. Let me know if you need further tests or more information. Always happy to help out.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 18:02
Quote: "When looking at them all at the same time gave me an FPS of 8 (extremly laggy), but when I looked away so I didnt see any of them I got ful FPS of 60."

Sounds good, and thanks for trying. I'll have a look at the crash.. Have you any idea what FPS you were getting before?
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 19:00
Actually there were no difference in fps between your mod and vanilla FPSC

What exactly does your mod? Will make it easier to test

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 19:17 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 16:27
Quote: "Actually there were no difference in fps between your mod and vanilla FPSC"

Odd.. I'm seeing a much larger increase. I could well be that my temporary machine is very low end. (normally running 10fps, running 20fps with this mod.

This mod hides entities over distance and a few other tweaks. I'm working on improving this now. Maybe you'll find greater increases in the next upload.

What are you specs?

@Blackfox - I've just seen your post. Give me a moment to digest..

Okay, I've read it... I'll have a look at these issues now. I'm not sure why the firerate is different as I haven't touched the fire or the timer system, It's almost certainly my stupidity.

And, yes, any testing is welcome and thanks very much for the images, these will help.

Quote: "I just tested the mod first it's a little buggy as editor reported that my map was to large and would have to close !!! it is not...I took no notice and tested my game in editor with mod and there was a speed increase of around 10-15 fps. "

I'm getting the editor error too. I'm looking into it. Thanks for testing so far.

@Blackfox- Quick question, with the FPS drop are things running smoothly?
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 19:40 Edited at: 4th Nov 2010 19:41
Quote: "@Blackfox- Quick question, with the FPS drop are things running smoothly?"

On my end, yes. When I use RPG Mod and my FPS drops, the game is still relatively smooth. With your EXE, even though the FPS dropped, the play was still smooth. I never even noticed a change except in the FPS number displayed. But one thing different between our mod and yours is the fact that the lifts move faster with yours than mine

Don't worry about the fire rate. That was our issue here. I had a script running that was RPG Mod specific. Once I took that trigger out, the fire rate was normal. Sorry for that blunder on my part.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:04 Edited at: 4th Nov 2010 20:04
Quote: "Don't worry about the fire rate. That was our issue here. I had a script running that was RPG Mod specific. Once I took that trigger out, the fire rate was normal. Sorry for that blunder on my part."

That's a relief and no problem, I've just spent 30 minutes trying to understand what was going on... Glad that's sorted.

BTW:Your game looks great..
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:04
This looks interesting, I'm going to give it a go, as my machine is 'low end'

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:21
Quote: "This looks interesting, I'm going to give it a go, as my machine is 'low end'"

Thanks, hope it helps out.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:24
I've just tested it in a large outdoor level and I can report an FPS increase of around 50% in the most entity intense sections of the level.

Also, and I don't know if this was intentional on your part, the 1.18 beta 3 issue of the winzone not working has been resolved with your mod!

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:44
Quote: "I'm getting an editor crash involving memory which I think is just my machine. The test game still builds despite the error message."

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the machine, but, I think, Dark Basic Pro. It might be the .dll or the compiler, I don't know, but I'm having the same problem with my mod.

I'd change the world, but I don't have the source code
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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 20:56
Quote: "That's a relief and no problem, I've just spent 30 minutes trying to understand what was going on... Glad that's sorted.

BTW:Your game looks great.."

Thanks. A lot of effort and hard work went into that development.

I've had some time in between compiling and also tested your EXE on our Egyptian and SciFi development. Your FPS was the same- 70 on average, and the lowest was a 37. The FPS drop did not affect the speed or flow of the games, and only happens when I hit trigger zones to either spawn characters or other objects. It only lasts for a few seconds, then resumes to the higher FPS.

Same setup on these developments as my WW2 as far as lighting, etc. Same system.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 21:16 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 16:26
Quote: "I've just tested it in a large outdoor level and I can report an FPS increase of around 50% in the most entity intense sections of the level. "

That's good to know.

Quote: "Also, and I don't know if this was intentional on your part, the 1.18 beta 3 issue of the winzone not working has been resolved with your mod!"

I'm compiling from the latest source, I imagine that that's because Hockeykid has fixed the issue.

@Blackfox - Thanks for report, I'm hoping to get another beta up tonight, but am having problems with DBP report an error at a non exisitant line.

Quote: "Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the machine, but, I think, Dark Basic Pro. It might be the .dll or the compiler, I don't know, but I'm having the same problem with my mod."

Interesting, any idea from which code version?
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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 15:12 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 17:13
UPDATE 05/11/2010

I've updated the entity hide system and tidied a few odds and ends. Dynaminc entities will now fade in and out depending on distance, size and ambient lighting. Hidden entities will not be displayed, therefore saving on frame rate. They will still be affected by the ODE system even if hidden. Currently, characters aren't affected by this system due to some issues, I'm working on this.

*EDITED* Removed old links
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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 20:12
RE: UPDATE 05/11/2010

Downloaded and ran a test. Same level, same system, same setup. FPS was good (70's range). Same couple of spots where the FPS dropped, but it did not slow the game play down. Loading time for this level actually was 8.2 seconds ahead of our normal load.

A couple of things I noticed this time around. First, when I get the hud to tell the player to press T to take an object and you press T, you collect the item but it still remains in the same spot. Happened with each item- maps, weapons, health, artifacts. I am not too sure if it is the scripts I use for picking up items- did not change any of the scripts to verify.

Second, I found it very interesting how the tracks appeared as I move down the mine shaft. I took a few screenshots for you to see. You will notice as I move forward, a piece draws, then another, until all is visible. That was very interesting.

As normal, I've attached the screenshots for you.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 20:19 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 20:21
Quote: "Second, I found it very interesting how the tracks appeared as I move down the mine shaft. I took a few screenshots for you to see. You will notice as I move forward, a piece draws, then another, until all is visible. That was very interesting."

That's because the engine now hides objects over a certain distance and attempts to fade them in based on the objects overall size, so larger, more obvious objects will appear before smaller ones. If you back off they should disappear.

Quote: "T to take an object and you press T, you collect the item but it still remains in the same spot."

That's a bug, I forgot to test it with pick up, just exploding objects.. I should be able to sort that soon enough.
You will have taken it, it just hasn't disappeared. Are you using plrtake? or a command from RPG mod?
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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 20:24 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 20:25
Using playertake to pickup. Most of the script we use to pickup items are default + RPG mod commands to add to our inventory. If RPG Mod is not active, we can still pickup the item, but there is no access to the inventory or updating the amounts. It just was a surprise when I pick up the MP40 and it is still there, same with the explosives. I had to check my scripts to ensure I did not make an error.

I like how everything appears as you move around. That was cool.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 20:57
Quote: "I like how everything appears as you move around. That was cool."

I quite like it too. More importantly it's saving several hundred polygons. I think I've solved the pickup issue. I've just compiled it and am testing now. If it works I'll upload it. I've got a newer version to get online anyway as I've made a few more speed improvememts.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 08:15 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 21:06
UPDATE 06/11/2010

*EDIT* Old link removed.

This version solves (Hopefully) the PLRTAKE error experienced by Blackfox and adds another couple of tweaks.

Again, any help testing would be appreciated.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 16:36 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 16:38
Are we the only ones testing this??

Anyways... Ran a third test for you. FPS was a solid 72-75 in 90% of the level, including going down and up a lift. A couple of things noticed this time around.

When I enter the first room, my maps are missing. I've had this issue before, and usually if I make dynamic and set immobile to yes that solved the problem. Same with using the dossier. These two entities always give us grief and we end up having to play with them to get them to perform their function.

Second is the room where the mine tracks are. In the second test I spoke of how the tracks would appear as you move down the shaft. This time I had a few missing completely. Picking up all items worked perfectly.

Attached the screens from this test. You will see a couple where the tracks are missing in a corner switch. The areas where I had the FPS drop to the 30's- they actually hovered at the 55 FPS mark. The lowest was the T3 room at 45 FPS. No major issues, speed was fantastic.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 16:57
Took the liberty to do another test using our SciFi development. FPS were constant 70's. A few spots dropped no lower than 50 FPS. Only thing we noticed is a couple of the SciFi doors were open and you could not walk through them. They should have been closed until the player got within a close distance.

Other than that, all items in this game were in their spots and worked properly. Attached the screens from this test for you (marked as test3b).

- BlackFox

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 17:11
Quote: "Are we the only ones testing this??"


Quote: "When I enter the first room, my maps are missing. I've had this issue before, and usually if I make dynamic and set immobile to yes that solved the problem. Same with using the dossier. These two entities always give us grief and we end up having to play with them to get them to perform their function."

I've had issues with some non-immobile dynamics in the past. This could be an existing engine issue. I'll look into it.

Quote: "Second is the room where the mine tracks are. In the second test I spoke of how the tracks would appear as you move down the shaft. This time I had a few missing completely"

In a bid to improve speed I changed the show/hide calculation, obviously it's now not generous enough. I'll change it back.

Quote: " Only thing we noticed is a couple of the SciFi doors were open and you could not walk through them. They should have been closed until the player got within a close distance."

I hadn't considered doors. Did they not appear when you got close? Even so, I've got a few thoughts about dealing with this.

I'm going to look at the source now and I'll get back to you with hopefully some answers.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 17:30
Quote: "Quote: "Are we the only ones testing this??"



I dont really know how to test performance, mostly because I dont use FPSC that much and dont really know what drains performance etc.
But I wil see if I can give it a go. Again

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 17:44 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 17:50
Quote: "I hadn't considered doors. Did they not appear when you got close? Even so, I've got a few thoughts about dealing with this."

The doors were in the open position. As you go to walk through, you can't pass the threshold. Almost like an invisible wall on, which tells me the collision is on at the doorway. Other doors were fine- just a couple of doors only had the issue.

Hopefully our tests and screens are of help to you.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 17:56 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 18:01
Quote: "But I wil see if I can give it a go. Again"

It would be a help if you'd like.
Quote: "
The doors were in the open position"

I actually think they just weren't visible, as hidden object retain collision.

Quote: "Hopefully our tests and screens are of help to you."

They are, very much so. Thanks
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 21:05 Edited at: 8th Nov 2010 09:36
And another update...

06/11/2010 - 8pm GMT

This should have fixed the following:

Doors, are now excluded from the distance cull and so should show.

Distance culling has been recalculated and have set a minimum distance for culls which should solve issues with missing entities.

I'm sorry, but I still haven't solved the strange editor crash, but again it doesn't prevent the test game being built.

EDIT - Link removed in favour of new version
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 23:58
well I gave this a go and there is def a speedup got 60fps all the time with my level.

The only problem I had with the level I tested was the dynamic boxes didn't show up.

Hope this helps with ya tests.

Best s4real

Pack ya games with vishnu fpsc packer its free.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 10:36 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 12:29
Quote: "well I gave this a go and there is def a speedup got 60fps all the time with my level."

Firstly, thanks for testing. Is the 60fps much of an improvement?

Quote: "The only problem I had with the level I tested was the dynamic boxes didn't show up."

Ok, I'll look into this, could you supply me with a little more information please.

1)Was it just dynamic boxes or all dynamic entities.

2)Where the boxes default media or custom? If default, which ones so I can test.

3) Do you know if the boxes were just not there or were just not displaying? I.E. Were they still blocking movement? If not, is it possible for them to have fallen through the geomatry?

I think that's all, thanks again for testing.

14 downloads last night and only one comment. - has anyone else tested this or are you all so happy/disgusted with it that it isn't worth commenting on? I'm particully interested what, if any performance increase is being achieved with full screen shaders on and of course, normal before and after level tests.

With that in mind, would anyone like to offer to act as testers.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 16:13
I haven't tested your latest build, but the test I ran on the 1st build, where it showed a 50% fps inrease, was with full shaders and light mapping. I'll try your latest build and see if I get the same results.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 16:36
Hi Scene Commander,

Quote: "14 downloads last night and only one comment. - has anyone else tested this or are you all so happy/disgusted with it that it isn't worth commenting on?"

I tested this out or tried to as the official release continues to show continuously slower performance which is abysmal. Its not the high fps that matters but the average or lowest and the lowest is low.

Anyway I had errors opening levels regarding - messages saying that your level "may" be too big - which I guess is something to do with Lees original source and not your .exe Having to force close FPSC and noticing that if one tries again and Fails then multiple versions of FPSC remain active in the system and had to be shut down using Task manager.

Levels too big? Must be a joke - I already had to cut some of my levels in half that used to run on V1.0 - due to less engine efficiency and deteriorating fps and gameplay speeds in all later versions which brings me to today. Not sure if I am supposed to cut the level size in half again?

Anyway sorry I gave up trying to open my levels and FPSC - any version still remains unusable for me until it has some semblence of stability that at least allows one to make any kind of valued judgement at all from which to work from if at all.

Not much help to you I am sure, sorry.

I will give it a go again another time when you have made some more updates or when Lee releases another update maybe.

I have not done anything serious with FPSC for years since its decline in speed and stability, however I still try out every new version which sadly do nothing much for me.

Maybe V.108 Beta 4 will be the "One"

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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 16:47 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 16:52
Quote: "Levels too big? Must be a joke - I already had to cut some of my levels in half that used to run on V1.0 - due to less engine efficiency and deteriorating fps and gameplay speeds in all later versions which brings me to today. Not sure if I am supposed to cut the level size in half again? "

This is an editor bug, I'm trying to solve this, but haven't been able too. If you read the first post, you'll find the level builds regardless of this error. It also operates without issue on built games. Sorry, I should have mentioned this error again as a reminder.

If you ignore the message, you should still be able to test a level. I am working on this but I think there's an issue with the current google code source and the current editor as even an unmodded version of the source causes this error. I have mentioned this to Lee, but understandably he is not able to offer support for user compiled versions and so I'm afraid it's down to trial and error.

Quote: "FPSC remain active in the system and had to be shut down using Task manager."

Yes, this is very annoying and has been the case for as long as I can remember.

Anyway, should you wish to try again please do, if not, I'll be working on the editor crash and hopefully find a solution eventually but to be honest I can't even track down where the error is being generated.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 17:06 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 17:09
Scene Commander,

I can not build the levels - I cant open them to build them or to test them.

The FPSC editor crashes and I have to shut it down following the error messages.

This happens with Lees version V1.0 Beta 3 too of the engine not only your updated .exe.

See attached.

You are not likely to be able to fix this. Best wait until Lee fixes it which looks like being a hard job then get on with your stuff. You cant test anything properly when an engine is unstable.



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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 17:10 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 17:28

I've just seen your post on the Beta thread. Lee has said he couldn't help me as I thought that this was an error with my build, but maybe this now needs to be reported as an offical bug.

Thanks for input, this has actually helped me a little, as your actually getting a line number with an error, which gives me a point of reference.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 17:21 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 17:25
Glad it may be of some help.

I am going to have go back and to try and get a download and installation of V.108 Beta 2 installed and working again before i can test anything.

Hope fully my maps are not corrupted but I do have older backups hopefully.

I wish you some success as we all could do with some improvement in the area you are trying to achieve it in.

Thanks for your hard work here.

I just noticed that Lee has removed the live links to Beta 2 so thats not very helpful to anyone either.

I am stuck now all round so will await beta 4 unless you get a fix which is doubtful but I wish you luck.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 17:31
Quote: "I am stuck now all round so will await beta 4 unless you get a fix which is doubtful but I wish you luck."

Can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can. It would be more helpful if the code on google code highlighted release versions, as it's currently difficult to tell which build the beta's are based on. Still, can't be helped.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 18:34
Maybe you should add a .fpi command which tells the engine that the dynamic entity is important, so it will allways be visible.

Maybe its unnecessary?

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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 18:38
Quote: "Maybe you should add a .fpi command which tells the engine that the dynamic entity is important, so it will allways be visible.

Sorry, which post does this related to?
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 18:39
I will download and test this now 4 you, as long as it will be ok replacing the current exe in my current build.

Will tell you how I get on
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 18:40
Quote: "I will download and test this now 4 you, as long as it will be ok replacing the current exe in my current build"

It'll be fine, just back up or rename your current .exe
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 18:58 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 18:58
right tested it.

On the normal fpsc version I was getting 10fps most of the time
On your mod I got 16fps.

My specs are quite low as well so did a great job and the gameplay felt smoother as well

1gb Ram
3.0 P4 Processor
ATI X800
Win XP
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:06
Quote: "On the normal fpsc version I was getting 10fps most of the time - On your mod I got 16fps."

Good news.. Thanks for testing.

Quick question, was that with lighting and shaders?
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:09 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 19:11
it was on v1.17
No shaders, best for performance on lightmapping and high textures
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:48
@Scene Commander Yeah getting a slight boost in fps, as for the dynamic boxes they just stock ww2 .

I've downloaded the latest source and compiled it and I dont get the crash when testing game or building game.

But I did download all the new dlls and the new compiler from google code maybe this will help.

Best s4real

Pack ya games with vishnu fpsc packer its free.
Scene Commander
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:52
Quote: "Scene Commander Yeah getting a slight boost in fps, as for the dynamic boxes they just stock ww2 "

Ok, I'm using stock WW2 boxes too and haven't seen a problem, but if you are then there must be a problem somewhere. I'll keep an eye on it.

Quote: "I've downloaded the latest source and compiled it and I dont get the crash when testing game or building game.

But I did download all the new dlls and the new compiler from google code maybe this will help."

I'll check these out. Thanks.

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