Quote: "in beta 10 android player, the FacebookLogout() in tier1 does nothing for me"
I've found that the Facebook app and the iOS browser cache the login details so even though the AppGameKit app forgets the details as soon as it requests a new login the same login details get used without user interaction.
Quote: "I'd like to see the rest of the Android Facebook commands implemented"
Android should be at the same level of support as iOS, which commands aren't working?
Quote: "there appears to be no problems at all now pressing back, keyboard just goes away as it's meant to. Was it something specific to the Galaxy Note 2?"
It was actually the result of a bug fix for the Nexus 7 which would crash when pressing the back button with the keyboard visible. The new method somewhat abuses the way the event queue works so I hope it works everywhere.
Quote: "So anyone wanting to code a server through AGK....stay clear of zone alarm!"
Glad that problem sorted itself out
Quote: "108.11 takes a lot longer to compile than 107.6."
This is a known issue from the work done to make it compatible with Freedom Engine, Lee and I have talked about it and we will be improving it in the future.
Quote: "seems to be something different with the contact commands in 108.11 compared to 107.6"
There was a bug fix for the contact reporting incorrect positions but the contacts themselves should be unchanged.
Quote: "I also find it weird that SetSpriteShapeBox now uses the sprite offset instead of the top left corner"
Anything physics based uses the offset point as that's what it rotates around.
Quote: "Also the FPS has dropped from 60 down to 30"
Can you send me the project or replicate it in a small example?